[Inpycon] Venue Finalization {was} PyCon 2010 - Let's get started

Ramdas S ramdaz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 06:31:23 CEST 2010

> lthough
> corporate and institutional support is great, the core should always, in my
> opinion be volunteers from the community. As the discussion on rubyconf
> shows,
> if a company chips in with large funds and people - a great looking
> conference. And if the company changes direction? no conference. I am
> looking
> for something sustainable - a conference every year. Even if smaller, more
> low
> Just to add to thoughts of Kenneth. I think we m


> Can we look at a growth in terms of percentage over last year, and continue
> targeting that way year over year?
> Some quantifiable targets
> #########################
> 1) Let's say a 100% plus increase in sponsorship money ( would love
> 200,300,400%)
> 2) Get 20% or more attendees.
> 3) Have 20-40% more number of talks
> 4) Get a couple of well known speakers
> The trick here is to find out which all prominent Python developers work
> with companies with an interest in India or manage teams in India, and get
> the companies to adjust their visit to coincide with India.

Similarly how can you improve the overall quality of conference. Better
Talks, more interactive sessions. Can we have code jams?
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