[Inpycon] Benefits of Membership

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at thenilgiris.com
Tue Apr 6 14:33:32 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 06 Apr 2010 5:45:16 pm Ramdas S wrote:
> Please start suggesting plausible paid membership benefits.

let us worry about benefits later, at first let us look at people who are 
willing to pay 500 a year to keep the society going. There are a lot of boring 
mundane tasks to be done for that and the best way is to get some retired 
person to come in a few days a week to look after them. I mean who wants to 
run around printing letter heads, making seals, sticking minutes in the minute 
book and going to the registrars office to file returns. (we need to file an IT 
return this year also). If we have around 50 members, this is doable.

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