[Inpycon] Registration Complete, the Journey Begins. {was} Status of registration

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Sat Apr 3 14:05:52 CEST 2010

On Saturday 03 Apr 2010 4:45:32 pm Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> > I feel we have enough time on hand. We are early April. Last year things
> > went full steam only in June....[..]
> The bank account needs to be created but yes we should start matters.

and one other thing - we need to enroll members. That is we need a form, 
potential members fill it in, the committee considers it and if approved the 
member needs to pay 100 application fee and 500 a year. Also we have to look 
for corporate and institutional members at 5000 a year and possibly donor 
members at above 1L. This money will help grease the wheels. Payment will of 
course have to be by netbanking. If all goes well, the bank account number 
will be available some time next week and this process can start.

Another thing - the mentality of Indian companies is such that they almost 
never commit to sponsorships months in advance. They usually do it at the last 
possible moment. I do not know if this is company policy around here or the 
fact that for foss/oss conferences the companies are only approached at the 
last moment. Which is silly in my opinion as it does not matter to companies 
whether the money is paid on 1st of April or on 31st of March in the next 

The other unhealthy trend is to announce an event not more than a month or so 
in advance - sometimes a few weeks in advance. If we can establish a tradition 
of holding the event along with the AGM in September every year, then this 
year we have six months time and the next year we have 18 months time.

Although I agree we should be more ambitious this year, let us temper our 
ambitions with ground realities and the number of people we have to work 
actively and the amount of time they have.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Associate

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