[Inpycon] [PSF-Members] [x-post] Register 'Pycon-India' or 'Python-India'?

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 07:28:35 CEST 2009

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:58 PM, vid <vid at svaksha.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 19:47, Paul Prescod <paul at prescod.net> wrote:
> > What negative consequences are you concerned about, in the case where you
> > take on the broader mandate?
> As yet, we have not discussed the negative consequences in detail,
> rather a thought that we need the PSF's blessings[0] as its the parent
> legal entity.
> [0] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/inpycon/2009-October/001242.html
> In my limited knowledge, registering it as Python-India would allow
> the NPO to undertake more Pythonic activities (the exact nature of
> activities needs to be discussed) listed in the MoA. OTOH, registering
> it as Pycon-India will restrict the organisation to events/conferences
> only.  This is a very simplistic outline as there may be other
> legalese nuances which we will know after Kunal and Noufal meet up
> with the lawyer on Friday.  We hope to get more details over the
> weekend.

 It is important not to get euphoric and loose focus here. You have had a
 good conference, and the immediate requirements are for an organization
 as a formal entity to manage running and managing of future Indian
 PyCons, nothing more.

 It is of course good to plan ahead for a larger mandate, but it would
 to take it step by step than to jump headlong into it. Currently the
 should be directed towards forming an organization which can streamline
 PyCon India efforts.

 The name is not the issue here - if you think that calling it "PyCon India"
 would restrict its mandate to only conferences, call it "Python India"
 or "Python India Software Foundation", anything.

 Anyway, I don't believe that legal entities are required to popularize
 and spread Python language in India. Don't forget that the whole thread
 of a PyCon India sprang from the BangPypers group which has been
 active and helping in Python awareness in Bangalore and India since 2005,
 without any facade of a formal society. The idea took shape and became
 concrete due to the efforts of a few key people, but it is important not
 to forget where it started.

> On those lines, it would be nice to know how the PSF views local
> chapters, rules (if any), etc...  Any other advice/comments !
> --
> || vid | http://vid.svaksha.com ||
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