[Inpycon] Fwd: [PyCon-Organizers] PyCon 2010 Theme Part II - It's about the community

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Thu Oct 15 02:38:52 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 14 Oct 2009 7:03:05 pm vid wrote:
> But now I wonder if that approach is slightly misaligned - because
> PyCon is about "connecting the community."  Should we really be
> promoting Python?  I suspect not, because everyone who attends PyCon
> already knows Python and has their own reasons for using it.

that is in America - in India, this does not apply. I can testify to the fact 
that when I started the beginner's tutorial I insisted that anyone who knew 
anything of python should leave. The hall was still full. I asked: how many of 
you do not know anything about python? All hands went up.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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