[Inpycon] Email addresses

Senthil Kumaran orsenthil at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 05:39:43 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 09:44:58PM +0530, Anand Chitipothu wrote:
> I think it should be admin only. It doesn't make sense for a random
> user to add a talk with speaker as Anand Chitipothu.

Too late for now. It was as per the design of the FossConf.
Technically I can add my talk and I can include you as a speaker without your
permission. But in real-world people rarely do this; this  was Kenneth's
point. Agreed.

But I see a problem now that if the number of delegates are more than
500, scrolling the entire list to select my username to add a talk,
seems little bit ineffective.  What can be done? 

Do you guys know what you're doing, or are you just hacking?

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