[Inpycon] Certificate

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 06:03:18 CEST 2009


My thoughts below:

--- On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Aneesh A<aneesh.nl at gmail.com> wrote:
| There will be much helpfull if there is certificte of participation.

Please don't encourage such bad practices. Don't you already have a
degree certificate? :)

| That will help especialy students.

No, it does not. It doesn't tell me if you are *capable* of any work.
And your work should reflect on itself, rather than having to ask
people for a certificate.

If you are able to help a Python project during and after the
conference/unconference with some development, or testing, or
documentation, or bug-fixing, this work should reflect your
credentials, and not the one you have mentioned.

In this regard, I request the organizers to put a webpage for listing
contact name, e-mail of people who require people to join their
Python-based projects.


Shakthi Kannan

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