[Import-SIG] PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization; version 6

Eric Snow ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com
Wed May 20 23:47:29 CEST 2015

FYI, Nick asked if I would be willing to be BDFL-Delegate for this PEP
and Guido has given the okay.  I've added myself to the PEP's header.
I'll try to make a decision soon (in time to land the patch before the
feature freeze), but I also must be confident about the pronouncement.


On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 5:34 AM, Petr Viktorin <encukou at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Based mainly on comments by Eric Snow, I've sent another update to PEP 489.
> See the diff at https://hg.python.org/peps/rev/aad7a39a695b
> Here is a copy for your convenience:
> PEP: 489
> Title: Multi-phase extension module initialization
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Petr Viktorin <encukou at gmail.com>,
>         Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>,
>         Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>
> Discussions-To: import-sig at python.org
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 11-Aug-2013
> Python-Version: 3.5
> Post-History: 23-Aug-2013, 20-Feb-2015, 16-Apr-2015
> Resolution:
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP proposes a redesign of the way in which built-in and extension modules
> interact with the import machinery. This was last revised for Python 3.0 in PEP
> 3121, but did not solve all problems at the time. The goal is to solve
> import-related problems by bringing extension modules closer to the way Python
> modules behave; specifically to hook into the ModuleSpec-based loading
> mechanism introduced in PEP 451.
> This proposal draws inspiration from PyType_Spec of PEP 384 to allow extension
> authors to only define features they need, and to allow future additions
> to extension module declarations.
> Extensions modules are created in a two-step process, fitting better into
> the ModuleSpec architecture, with parallels to __new__ and __init__ of classes.
> Extension modules can safely store arbitrary C-level per-module state in
> the module that is covered by normal garbage collection and supports
> reloading and sub-interpreters.
> Extension authors are encouraged to take these issues into account
> when using the new API.
> The proposal also allows extension modules with non-ASCII names.
> Not all problems tackled in PEP 3121 are solved in this proposal.
> In particular, problems with run-time module lookup (PyState_FindModule)
> are left to a future PEP.
> Motivation
> ==========
> Python modules and extension modules are not being set up in the same way.
> For Python modules, the module object is created and set up first, then the
> module code is being executed (PEP 302).
> A ModuleSpec object (PEP 451) is used to hold information about the module,
> and passed to the relevant hooks.
> For extensions (i.e. shared libraries) and built-in modules, the module
> init function is executed straight away and does both the creation and
> initialization. The initialization function is not passed the ModuleSpec,
> or any information it contains, such as the __file__ or fully-qualified
> name. This hinders relative imports and resource loading.
> In Py3, modules are also not being added to sys.modules, which means that a
> (potentially transitive) re-import of the module will really try to re-import
> it and thus run into an infinite loop when it executes the module init function
> again. Without access to the fully-qualified module name, it is not trivial to
> correctly add the module to sys.modules either.
> This is specifically a problem for Cython generated modules, for which it's
> not uncommon that the module init code has the same level of complexity as
> that of any 'regular' Python module. Also, the lack of __file__ and __name__
> information hinders the compilation of "__init__.py" modules, i.e. packages,
> especially when relative imports are being used at module init time.
> Furthermore, the majority of currently existing extension modules has
> problems with sub-interpreter support and/or interpreter reloading, and, while
> it is possible with the current infrastructure to support these
> features, it is neither easy nor efficient.
> Addressing these issues was the goal of PEP 3121, but many extensions,
> including some in the standard library, took the least-effort approach
> to porting to Python 3, leaving these issues unresolved.
> This PEP keeps backwards compatibility, which should reduce pressure and give
> extension authors adequate time to consider these issues when porting.
> The current process
> ===================
> Currently, extension and built-in modules export an initialization function
> named "PyInit_modulename", named after the file name of the shared library.
> This function is executed by the import machinery and must return a fully
> initialized module object.
> The function receives no arguments, so it has no way of knowing about its
> import context.
> During its execution, the module init function creates a module object
> based on a PyModuleDef object. It then continues to initialize it by adding
> attributes to the module dict, creating types, etc.
> In the back, the shared library loader keeps a note of the fully qualified
> module name of the last module that it loaded, and when a module gets
> created that has a matching name, this global variable is used to determine
> the fully qualified name of the module object. This is not entirely safe as it
> relies on the module init function creating its own module object first,
> but this assumption usually holds in practice.
> The proposal
> ============
> The initialization function (PyInit_modulename) will be allowed to return
> a pointer to a PyModuleDef object. The import machinery will be in charge
> of constructing the module object, calling hooks provided in the PyModuleDef
> in the relevant phases of initialization (as described below).
> This multi-phase initialization is an additional possibility. Single-phase
> initialization, the current practice of returning a fully initialized module
> object, will still be accepted, so existing code will work unchanged,
> including binary compatibility.
> The PyModuleDef structure will be changed to contain a list of slots,
> similarly to PEP 384's PyType_Spec for types.
> To keep binary compatibility, and avoid needing to introduce a new structure
> (which would introduce additional supporting functions and per-module storage),
> the currently unused m_reload pointer of PyModuleDef will be changed to
> hold the slots. The structures are defined as::
>     typedef struct {
>         int slot;
>         void *value;
>     } PyModuleDef_Slot;
>     typedef struct PyModuleDef {
>         PyModuleDef_Base m_base;
>         const char* m_name;
>         const char* m_doc;
>         Py_ssize_t m_size;
>         PyMethodDef *m_methods;
>         PyModuleDef_Slot *m_slots;  /* changed from `inquiry m_reload;` */
>         traverseproc m_traverse;
>         inquiry m_clear;
>         freefunc m_free;
>     } PyModuleDef;
> The *m_slots* member must be either NULL, or point to an array of
> PyModuleDef_Slot structures, terminated by a slot with id set to 0
> (i.e. ``{0, NULL}``).
> To specify a slot, a unique slot ID must be provided.
> New Python versions may introduce new slot IDs, but slot IDs will never be
> recycled. Slots may get deprecated, but will continue to be supported
> throughout Python 3.x.
> A slot's value pointer may not be NULL, unless specified otherwise in the
> slot's documentation.
> The following slots are currently available, and described later:
> * Py_mod_create
> * Py_mod_exec
> Unknown slot IDs will cause the import to fail with SystemError.
> When using multi-phase initialization, the *m_name* field of PyModuleDef will
> not be used during importing; the module name will be taken from the ModuleSpec.
> To prevent crashes when the module is loaded in older versions of Python,
> the PyModuleDef object must be initialized using the newly added
> PyModuleDef_Init function. This sets the object type (which cannot be done
> statically on certain compilers), refcount, and internal bookkeeping data
> (m_index).
> For example, an extension module "example" would be exported as::
>     static PyModuleDef example_def = {...}
>     PyInit_example(void)
>     {
>         return PyModuleDef_Init(&example_def);
>     }
> The PyModuleDef object must be available for the lifetime of the module created
> from it – usually, it will be declared statically.
> Pseudo-code Overview
> --------------------
> Here is an overview of how the modified importers will operate.
> Details such as logging or handling of errors and invalid states
> are left out, and C code is presented with a concise Python-like syntax.
> The framework that calls the importers is explained in PEP 451
> [#pep-0451-loading]_.
> ::
>     importlib/_bootstrap.py:
>         class BuiltinImporter:
>             def create_module(self, spec):
>                 module = _imp.create_builtin(spec)
>             def exec_module(self, module):
>                 _imp.exec_dynamic(module)
>             def load_module(self, name):
>                 # use a backwards compatibility shim
>                 _load_module_shim(self, name)
>     importlib/_bootstrap_external.py:
>         class ExtensionFileLoader:
>             def create_module(self, spec):
>                 module = _imp.create_dynamic(spec)
>             def exec_module(self, module):
>                 _imp.exec_dynamic(module)
>             def load_module(self, name):
>                 # use a backwards compatibility shim
>                 _load_module_shim(self, name)
>     Python/import.c (the _imp module):
>         def create_dynamic(spec):
>             name = spec.name
>             path = spec.origin
>             # Find an already loaded module that used single-phase init.
>             # For multi-phase initialization, mod is NULL, so a new module
>             # is always created.
>             mod = _PyImport_FindExtensionObject(name, name)
>             if mod:
>                 return mod
>             return _PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec(spec)
>         def exec_dynamic(module):
>             if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType):
>                 # non-modules are skipped -- PyModule_GetDef fails on them
>                 return
>             def = PyModule_GetDef(module)
>             state = PyModule_GetState(module)
>             if state is NULL:
>                 PyModule_ExecDef(module, def)
>         def create_builtin(spec):
>             name = spec.name
>             # Find an already loaded module that used single-phase init.
>             # For multi-phase initialization, mod is NULL, so a new module
>             # is always created.
>             mod = _PyImport_FindExtensionObject(name, name)
>             if mod:
>                 return mod
>             for initname, initfunc in PyImport_Inittab:
>                 if name == initname:
>                     m = initfunc()
>                     if isinstance(m, PyModuleDef):
>                         def = m
>                         return PyModule_FromDefAndSpec(def, spec)
>                     else:
>                         # fall back to single-phase initialization
>                         module = m
>                         _PyImport_FixupExtensionObject(module, name, name)
>                         return module
>     Python/importdl.c:
>         def _PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec(spec):
>             path = spec.origin
>             package, dot, name = spec.name.rpartition('.')
>             # see the "Non-ASCII module names" section for export_hook_name
>             hook_name = export_hook_name(name)
>             # call platform-specific function for loading exported function
>             # from shared library
>             exportfunc = _find_shared_funcptr(hook_name, path)
>             m = exportfunc()
>             if isinstance(m, PyModuleDef):
>                 def = m
>                 return PyModule_FromDefAndSpec(def, spec)
>             module = m
>             # fall back to single-phase initialization
>             ....
>     Objects/moduleobject.c:
>         def PyModule_FromDefAndSpec(def, spec):
>             name = spec.name
>             create = None
>             for slot, value in def.m_slots:
>                 if slot == Py_mod_create:
>                     create = value
>             if create:
>                 m = create(spec, def)
>             else:
>                 m = PyModule_New(name)
>             if isinstance(m, types.ModuleType):
>                 m.md_state = None
>                 m.md_def = def
>             if def.m_methods:
>                 PyModule_AddFunctions(m, def.m_methods)
>             if def.m_doc:
>                 PyModule_SetDocString(m, def.m_doc)
>         def PyModule_ExecDef(module, def):
>             if isinstance(module, types.module_type):
>                 if module.md_state is NULL:
>                     # allocate a block of zeroed-out memory
>                     module.md_state = _alloc(module.md_size)
>             if def.m_slots is NULL:
>                 return
>             for slot, value in def.m_slots:
>                 if slot == Py_mod_exec:
>                     value(module)
> Module Creation Phase
> ---------------------
> Creation of the module object – that is, the implementation of
> ExecutionLoader.create_module – is governed by the Py_mod_create slot.
> The Py_mod_create slot
> ......................
> The Py_mod_create slot is used to support custom module subclasses.
> The value pointer must point to a function with the following signature::
>     PyObject* (*PyModuleCreateFunction)(PyObject *spec, PyModuleDef *def)
> The function receives a ModuleSpec instance, as defined in PEP 451,
> and the PyModuleDef structure.
> It should return a new module object, or set an error
> and return NULL.
> This function is not responsible for setting import-related attributes
> specified in PEP 451 [#pep-0451-attributes]_ (such as ``__name__`` or
> ``__loader__``) on the new module.
> There is no requirement for the returned object to be an instance of
> types.ModuleType. Any type can be used, as long as it supports setting and
> getting attributes, including at least the import-related attributes.
> However, only ModuleType instances support module-specific functionality
> such as per-module state.
> Note that when this function is called, the module's entry in sys.modules
> is not populated yet. Attempting to import the same module again
> (possibly transitively), may lead to an infinite loop.
> Extension authors are advised to keep Py_mod_create minimal, an in particular
> to not call user code from it.
> Multiple Py_mod_create slots may not be specified. If they are, import
> will fail with SystemError.
> If Py_mod_create is not specified, the import machinery will create a normal
> module object using PyModule_New. The name is taken from *spec*.
> Post-creation steps
> ...................
> If the Py_mod_create function returns an instance of types.ModuleType
> or a subclass (or if a Py_mod_create slot is not present), the import
> machinery will associate the PyModuleDef with the module.
> This also makes the PyModuleDef accessible to execution phase, the
> PyModule_GetDef function, and garbage collection routines (traverse,
> clear, free).
> If the Py_mod_create function does not return a module subclass, then m_size
> must be 0, and m_traverse, m_clear and m_free must all be NULL.
> Otherwise, SystemError is raised.
> Additionally, initial attributes specified in the PyModuleDef are set on the
> module object, regardless of its type:
> * The docstring is set from m_doc, if non-NULL.
> * The module's functions are initialized from m_methods, if any.
> Module Execution Phase
> ----------------------
> Module execution -- that is, the implementation of
> ExecutionLoader.exec_module -- is governed by "execution slots".
> This PEP only adds one, Py_mod_exec, but others may be added in the future.
> The execution phase is done on the PyModuleDef associated with the module
> object. For objects that are not a subclass of PyModule_Type (for which
> PyModule_GetDef would fail), the execution phase is skipped.
> Execution slots may be specified multiple times, and are processed in the order
> they appear in the slots array.
> When using the default import machinery, they are processed after
> import-related attributes specified in PEP 451 [#pep-0451-attributes]_
> (such as ``__name__`` or ``__loader__``) are set and the module is added
> to sys.modules.
> Pre-Execution steps
> -------------------
> Before processing the execution slots, per-module state is allocated for the
> module. From this point on, per-module state is accessible through
> PyModule_GetState.
> The Py_mod_exec slot
> ....................
> The entry in this slot must point to a function with the following signature::
>     int (*PyModuleExecFunction)(PyObject* module)
> It will be called to initialize a module. Usually, this amounts to
> setting the module's initial attributes.
> The "module" argument receives the module object to initialize.
> If PyModuleExec replaces the module's entry in sys.modules,
> the new object will be used and returned by importlib machinery.
> (This mirrors the behavior of Python modules. Note that implementing
> Py_mod_create is usually a better solution for the use cases this serves.)
> The function must return ``0`` on success, or, on error, set an exception and
> return ``-1``.
> Legacy Init
> -----------
> The backwards-compatible single-phase initialization continues to be supported.
> In this scheme, the PyInit function returns a fully initialized module rather
> than a PyModuleDef object.
> In this case, the PyInit hook implements the creation phase, and the execution
> phase is a no-op.
> Modules that need to work unchanged on older versions of Python should stick to
> single-phase initialization, because the benefits it brings can't be
> back-ported.
> Here is an example of a module that supports multi-phase initialization,
> and falls back to single-phase when compiled for an older version of CPython.
> It is included mainly as an illustration of the changes needed to enable
> multi-phase init::
>     #include <Python.h>
>     static int spam_exec(PyObject *module) {
>         PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "food", "spam");
>         return 0;
>     }
>     #ifdef Py_mod_exec
>     static PyModuleDef_Slot spam_slots[] = {
>         {Py_mod_exec, spam_exec},
>         {0, NULL}
>     };
>     #endif
>     static PyModuleDef spam_def = {
>         PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,                      /* m_base */
>         "spam",                                     /* m_name */
>         PyDoc_STR("Utilities for cooking spam"),    /* m_doc */
>         0,                                          /* m_size */
>         NULL,                                       /* m_methods */
>     #ifdef Py_mod_exec
>         spam_slots,                                 /* m_slots */
>     #else
>         NULL,
>     #endif
>         NULL,                                       /* m_traverse */
>         NULL,                                       /* m_clear */
>         NULL,                                       /* m_free */
>     };
>     PyInit_spam(void) {
>     #ifdef Py_mod_exec
>         return PyModuleDef_Init(&spam_def);
>     #else
>         PyObject *module;
>         module = PyModule_Create(&spam_def);
>         if (module == NULL) return NULL;
>         if (spam_exec(module) != 0) {
>             Py_DECREF(module);
>             return NULL;
>         }
>         return module;
>     #endif
>     }
> Built-In modules
> ----------------
> Any extension module can be used as a built-in module by linking it into
> the executable, and including it in the inittab (either at runtime with
> PyImport_AppendInittab, or at configuration time, using tools like *freeze*).
> To keep this possibility, all changes to extension module loading introduced
> in this PEP will also apply to built-in modules.
> The only exception is non-ASCII module names, explained below.
> Subinterpreters and Interpreter Reloading
> -----------------------------------------
> Extensions using the new initialization scheme are expected to support
> subinterpreters and multiple Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize cycles correctly,
> avoiding the issues mentioned in Python documentation [#subinterpreter-docs]_.
> The mechanism is designed to make this easy, but care is still required
> on the part of the extension author.
> No user-defined functions, methods, or instances may leak to different
> interpreters.
> To achieve this, all module-level state should be kept in either the module
> dict, or in the module object's storage reachable by PyModule_GetState.
> A simple rule of thumb is: Do not define any static data, except built-in types
> with no mutable or user-settable class attributes.
> Functions incompatible with multi-phase initialization
> ------------------------------------------------------
> The PyModule_Create function will fail when used on a PyModuleDef structure
> with a non-NULL *m_slots* pointer.
> The function doesn't have access to the ModuleSpec object necessary for
> multi-phase initialization.
> The PyState_FindModule function will return NULL, and PyState_AddModule
> and PyState_RemoveModule will also fail on modules with non-NULL *m_slots*.
> PyState registration is disabled because multiple module objects may be created
> from the same PyModuleDef.
> Module state and C-level callbacks
> ----------------------------------
> Due to the unavailability of PyState_FindModule, any function that needs access
> to module-level state (including functions, classes or exceptions defined at
> the module level) must receive a reference to the module object (or the
> particular object it needs), either directly or indirectly.
> This is currently difficult in two situations:
> * Methods of classes, which receive a reference to the class, but not to
>   the class's module
> * Libraries with C-level callbacks, unless the callbacks can receive custom
>   data set at callback registration
> Fixing these cases is outside of the scope of this PEP, but will be needed for
> the new mechanism to be useful to all modules. Proper fixes have been discussed
> on the import-sig mailing list [#findmodule-discussion]_.
> As a rule of thumb, modules that rely on PyState_FindModule are, at the moment,
> not good candidates for porting to the new mechanism.
> New Functions
> -------------
> A new function and macro implementing the module creation phase will be added.
> These are similar to PyModule_Create and PyModule_Create2, except they
> take an additional ModuleSpec argument, and handle module definitions with
> non-NULL slots::
>     PyObject * PyModule_FromDefAndSpec(PyModuleDef *def, PyObject *spec)
>     PyObject * PyModule_FromDefAndSpec2(PyModuleDef *def, PyObject *spec,
>                                         int module_api_version)
> A new function implementing the module execution phase will be added.
> This allocates per-module state (if not allocated already), and *always*
> processes execution slots. The import machinery calls this method when
> a module is executed, unless the module is being reloaded::
>     PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyModule_ExecDef(PyObject *module, PyModuleDef *def)
> Another function will be introduced to initialize a PyModuleDef object.
> This idempotent function fills in the type, refcount, and module index.
> It returns its argument cast to PyObject*, so it can be returned directly
> from a PyInit function::
>     PyObject * PyModuleDef_Init(PyModuleDef *);
> Additionally, two helpers will be added for setting the docstring and
> methods on a module::
>     int PyModule_SetDocString(PyObject *, const char *)
>     int PyModule_AddFunctions(PyObject *, PyMethodDef *)
> Export Hook Name
> ----------------
> As portable C identifiers are limited to ASCII, module names
> must be encoded to form the PyInit hook name.
> For ASCII module names, the import hook is named
> PyInit_<modulename>, where <modulename> is the name of the module.
> For module names containing non-ASCII characters, the import hook is named
> PyInitU_<encodedname>, where the name is encoded using CPython's
> "punycode" encoding (Punycode [#rfc-3492]_ with a lowercase suffix),
> with hyphens ("-") replaced by underscores ("_").
> In Python::
>     def export_hook_name(name):
>         try:
>             suffix = b'_' + name.encode('ascii')
>         except UnicodeEncodeError:
>             suffix = b'U_' + name.encode('punycode').replace(b'-', b'_')
>         return b'PyInit' + suffix
> Examples:
> =============  ===================
> Module name    Init hook name
> =============  ===================
> spam           PyInit_spam
> lančmít        PyInitU_lanmt_2sa6t
> スパム          PyInitU_zck5b2b
> =============  ===================
> For modules with non-ASCII names, single-phase initialization is not supported.
> In the initial implementation of this PEP, built-in modules with non-ASCII
> names will not be supported.
> Module Reloading
> ----------------
> Reloading an extension module using importlib.reload() will continue to
> have no effect, except re-setting import-related attributes.
> Due to limitations in shared library loading (both dlopen on POSIX and
> LoadModuleEx on Windows), it is not generally possible to load
> a modified library after it has changed on disk.
> Use cases for reloading other than trying out a new version of the module
> are too rare to require all module authors to keep reloading in mind.
> If reload-like functionality is needed, authors can export a dedicated
> function for it.
> Multiple modules in one library
> -------------------------------
> To support multiple Python modules in one shared library, the library can
> export additional PyInit* symbols besides the one that corresponds
> to the library's filename.
> Note that this mechanism can currently only be used to *load* extra modules,
> but not to *find* them. (This is a limitation of the loader mechanism,
> which this PEP does not try to modify.)
> To work around the lack of a suitable finder, code like the following
> can be used::
>     import importlib.machinery
>     import importlib.util
>     loader = importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader(name, path)
>     spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(name, loader)
>     module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
>     loader.exec_module(module)
>     return module
> On platforms that support symbolic links, these may be used to install one
> library under multiple names, exposing all exported modules to normal
> import machinery.
> Testing and initial implementations
> -----------------------------------
> For testing, a new built-in module ``_testmultiphase`` will be created.
> The library will export several additional modules using the mechanism
> described in "Multiple modules in one library".
> The ``_testcapi`` module will be unchanged, and will use single-phase
> initialization indefinitely (or until it is no longer supported).
> The ``array`` and ``xx*`` modules will be converted to use multi-phase
> initialization as part of the initial implementation.
> Summary of API Changes and Additions
> ------------------------------------
> New functions:
> * PyModule_FromDefAndSpec (macro)
> * PyModule_FromDefAndSpec2
> * PyModule_ExecDef
> * PyModule_SetDocString
> * PyModule_AddFunctions
> * PyModuleDef_Init
> New macros:
> * Py_mod_create
> * Py_mod_exec
> New types:
> * PyModuleDef_Type will be exposed
> New structures:
> * PyModuleDef_Slot
> PyModuleDef.m_reload changes to PyModuleDef.m_slots.
> The internal ``_imp`` module will have backwards incompatible changes:
> ``create_builtin``, ``create_dynamic``, and ``exec_dynamic`` will be added;
> ``init_builtin``, ``load_dynamic`` will be removed.
> The undocumented functions ``imp.load_dynamic`` and ``imp.init_builtin`` will
> be replaced by backwards-compatible shims.
> Possible Future Extensions
> ==========================
> The slots mechanism, inspired by PyType_Slot from PEP 384,
> allows later extensions.
> Some extension modules exports many constants; for example _ssl has
> a long list of calls in the form::
>     PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN",
>                             PY_SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN);
> Converting this to a declarative list, similar to PyMethodDef,
> would reduce boilerplate, and provide free error-checking which
> is often missing.
> String constants and types can be handled similarly.
> (Note that non-default bases for types cannot be portably specified
> statically; this case would need a Py_mod_exec function that runs
> before the slots are added. The free error-checking would still be
> beneficial, though.)
> Another possibility is providing a "main" function that would be run
> when the module is given to Python's -m switch.
> For this to work, the runpy module will need to be modified to take
> advantage of ModuleSpec-based loading introduced in PEP 451.
> Also, it will be necessary to add a mechanism for setting up a module
> according to slots it wasn't originally defined with.
> Implementation
> ==============
> Work-in-progress implementation is available in a Github repository [#gh-repo]_;
> a patchset is at [#gh-patch]_.
> Previous Approaches
> ===================
> Stefan Behnel's initial proto-PEP [#stefans_protopep]_
> had a "PyInit_modulename" hook that would create a module class,
> whose ``__init__`` would be then called to create the module.
> This proposal did not correspond to the (then nonexistent) PEP 451,
> where module creation and initialization is broken into distinct steps.
> It also did not support loading an extension into pre-existing module objects.
> Nick Coghlan proposed "Create" and "Exec" hooks, and wrote a prototype
> implementation [#nicks-prototype]_.
> At this time PEP 451 was still not implemented, so the prototype
> does not use ModuleSpec.
> The original version of this PEP used Create and Exec hooks, and allowed
> loading into arbitrary pre-constructed objects with Exec hook.
> The proposal made extension module initialization closer to how Python modules
> are initialized, but it was later recognized that this isn't an important goal.
> The current PEP describes a simpler solution.
> A further iteration used a "PyModuleExport" hook as an alternative to PyInit,
> where PyInit was used for existing scheme, and PyModuleExport for multi-phase.
> However, not being able to determine the hook name based on module name
> complicated automatic generation of PyImport_Inittab by tools like freeze.
> Keeping only the PyInit hook name, even if it's not entirely appropriate for
> exporting a definition, yielded a much simpler solution.
> References
> ==========
> .. [#pep-0451-attributes]
>    https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0451/#attributes
> .. [#stefans_protopep]
>    https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-August/128087.html
> .. [#nicks-prototype]
>    https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-August/128101.html
> .. [#rfc-3492]
>    http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492
> .. [#gh-repo]
>    https://github.com/encukou/cpython/commits/pep489
> .. [#gh-patch]
>    https://github.com/encukou/cpython/compare/master...encukou:pep489.patch
> .. [#findmodule-discussion]
>    https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2015-April/000959.html
> .. [#pep-0451-loading]
>    https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0451/#how-loading-will-work]
> .. [#subinterpreter-docs]
>    https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/init.html#sub-interpreter-support
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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