[Import-SIG] PEP 451: Big update.

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Sep 19 12:22:09 CEST 2013


I have some questions and comments:

> origin - a string for the location from which the module is loaded,
> e.g. "builtin" for built-in modules and the filename for modules
> loaded from source.

Filename or filepath? What if the module is stored in e.g. a ZIP file?

> submodule_search_locations - list of strings for where to find
> submodules, if a package (None otherwise).

Why isn't is_package exposed as an attribute too?

> cached (property) - a string for where the compiled module will be
> stored

"where" is a filesystem location?
(absolute? relative to the origin?)

> has_location (RO-property) - the module's origin refers to a location.

filesystem location? What about ZIP files?

> spec_from_file_location(name, location, *, loader=None,
> submodule_search_locations=None) - factory for file-based module specs

What does it mean? Is it able to make "intelligent" decisions depending
on e.g. whether the module is an extension module or a pure Python

> from_loader(name, loader, *, origin=None, is_package=None) - factory
> based on information provided by loaders.

That description is rather unhelpful.

> importlib.find_spec(name, path=None) will return the spec for a module.

Is the module supposed to be already loaded or not? How is the spec



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