[Image-SIG] memoryError in FpxImageUploadPlugin.py

Edward Cannon edward at unicornschool.org
Sun Apr 17 20:19:13 CEST 2011

One of the things you might want to consider is that users are
uploading either large or corrupted images. This might cause problems.
Also if something else on the server is not playing nice this could
cause problems. I would try wrapping the open call in a try... except
loop. That way you could handle the error gracefully, perhaps by
prompting the user to wait or try a smaller image.

AFIK PIL does not look at file extensions, but at magic numbers when
opening a file, it uses extensions primarily when saving files.
Edward Cannon
Unicorn School

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Alec Bennett <wrybread at gmail.com> wrote:
> Agreed in a web form situation it seems reasonable to expect the file to have the correct file extension. And in fact that's the usual safeguard against people uploading php scripts or whatever containing malicious code.
> But if you really want to be able to detect file type independently of the extension you might research reading the file header. (that's a guess, I'm not saying that will definitely work).
> Sent from my payphone
> On Apr 17, 2011, at 12:13 AM, "Charlie Clark" <charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu> wrote:
>> Am 16.04.2011, 17:51 Uhr, schrieb Gábor Farkas <gabor at nekomancer.net>:
>>> is PIL's image-format-detection purely filename-extension based?
>>> i mean, what happens if i take the problematic file, and rename it
>>> to have a jpeg-extension... will PIL not try the other file-format-plugins,
>>> when jpeg fails?
>> No, PIL won'.t It isn't brilliant but that's how it works. Try and think through the converse: this could be JPEG but I'll work my way through the alternatives till I'm sure. In your situation it seems perfectly reasonable to expect the MIME-type to be available, so you can enforce it in the form handling.
>> Charlie
>> --
>> Charlie Clark
>> Managing Director
>> Clark Consulting & Research
>> German Office
>> Helmholtzstr. 20
>> Düsseldorf
>> D- 40215
>> Tel: +49-211-600-3657
>> Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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