[Image-SIG] Re: ImportError: cannot import name PIL_Image

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Tue Dec 21 14:52:17 CET 2004

Gustavo González wrote:

>  ImportError: cannot import name PIL_Image
>  File "/home/servicios/zope/raiz/Products/CMFReportTool/ReportTool.py", line 49, in ?
>   from RenderPDF.Parser import TemplateParser,DocumentParser
>  File "/home/servicios/zope/raiz/Products/CMFReportTool/RenderPDF/Parser.py", line 34, in ?
>   from reportlab.lib.utils import PIL_Image
> ImportError: cannot import name PIL_Image
> I installed the PIL before trying to start up the Zope server... and i can not
> find any reference to the "PIL_Image" name... where should it be?

it looks like it's a part of the reportlab library (see the "from" part of the failing
import statement).  that library is available here:



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