[Image-SIG] Re: Image-SIG digest, Vol 1 #169 - 8 msgs

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:18:02 +0200

> Sorry if this question has been posted before: I couldn't work (open/save) with
> G4 Tif ? Is there anything I need to do?

umm.  someone with your name asked the same
question a while ago, to which I answered:


> I can't modify a G4 compressed TIF file, apparently the G4 is not supported, is
> that correct? 

that's correct.  PIL cannot read or write any of the
CCITT formats supported by TIFF.

various people have promised me interfaces to libtiff,
but a complete interface has still to appear (I have a
partial implementation by someone somewhere, but
no time to finish it -- at least not in time for 1.0).


contributions are still welcome or <plug> you can
purchase the support package and wait for this to
appear in the pil plus package...</plug>
