[IMAGE-SIG] Image processing and editing

Dan Sokoloff dcs@lems.brown.edu
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 11:25:32 -0400

hello, I recently asked about changing pixel values in PIL images, and I
have used the ImageDraw module for grayscale editing.  This is good for
small grayscale images, but the time it takes to change large images is
incredible.  Is there a color lookup table associated with PIL images? 
if it was possible to change the lookup values, the processing would be
much faster.
  Currently I build a lookup table for each image that is opened.  This
is a slow process as well.  The first part of this table is a dictionary
whose key is the uid for a color rectangle on the screen (the color
rectangles are an on-screen abstraction of all the colors in the image
-- this program is meant to be a color-editor).  The value is a list of
pixels with that same color (the color of the rectangle).  There is
another list in the table of all the colors in the image converted to
hex colors that tk(inter) likes.  I use this list to assign the
rectangles with their corresponding color.
I realize that this is a bizzare process, and it's hard to see what it's
doing, but after much time of attempting a color editor without 1)
having a colormap for an image or 2)pointers to make all of this easier,
it was all I could think of.

Is there another library out there that has capabilities to do the color
processing I have mentioned?  (this of this program like the color
editor in XV or Photoshop).

If you are having trouble visualizing this program, I put up a small
page with a screenshot and a short description at:


	Dan Sokoloff

IMAGE-SIG - SIG on Image Processing with Python

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