[Idle-dev] Forking Idle - translating menus, etc.

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Mon May 27 12:37:59 EDT 2019

Hello everyone,

Please ignore the traceback mentioned in the previous email. I made a few
changes and got rid of the traceback.

The good news: IDLE starts and appear to work correctly.
The bad news: the menu items are not changed to the test "uppercase"

I will try to figure out how to fix this.

André Roberge

On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 10:00 PM Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at gmail.com>

> I have started working on a possible implementation for providing
> translations for IDLE's menu.  Right now, it generates a traceback which
> stumps me. Regardless, before I spend more time trying to figure out what
> goes on, I thought it would be a good idea to see if the approach I have in
> mind would be acceptable.
> Copying the docstring of the main module I wrote:
> """This module is intended to provide translations of menu items.
> Instead of trying to approve translations for inclusion in Python's
> standard
> library, translations would be obtained separately by the end users and
> be located in a place from where they could be imported.
> This could be done by having a user put a translation file in their home
> directory or install them from Pypi.
> A translation file could have any name.  However, its content would have
> to include a dict named "idle_translation" whose content would include
> at least one language, with the possibility of having more, and
> would have the following structure
> idle_translation = {
>     "fr": { "File" : "Fichier", ...},
>     "es": {"File": "Archivo", ...}     # not sure of the Spanish term
> }
> The addition of a directory would be done through the configuration
> menu and the name of the translation file would be saved in the user's
> configuration file.
> In case it is needed, we compile a reverse dictionary; but we have not
> gotten far enough to use it yet.
> """
> The essence of the implementation can be described as follows:
> Existing code (one example copy-pasted from editor.py)
> menu.add_command(label=label, underline=underline,
>                                          command=command,
>                                          accelerator=accelerator)
> New code
> label = translator.get(label)  # single line added
> menu.add_command(label=label, underline=underline,
>                                          command=command,
>                                          accelerator=accelerator)
> Where translator.get(label) can be thought of as a function like the
> following:
> def get_translation(label):
>     if translation_exists(user_language, label):
>         return translation_of(user_language, label)
>     else:
>         return label
> The actual code is a bit more complicated.
> = = =
> I admit to not really knowing how best to proceed with using git on a
> project like this.
> What I did is the following:
> 1. I cloned the cpython repository;
> 2. I created a local branch which I called "idle-translation-dev".
> 3. Trying to run "python -m idlelib", I got a traceback as "_pickle" could
> not be found when pickle was processed. So, I changed the name of
> "pickle.py" so that it would import the version from Python installed from
> my computer.  That allowed me to proceed and explain the strange file
> renaming you might see if you look at the commit.
> What I did can be viewed in this single commit:
> https://github.com/aroberge/cpython/commit/8e329288cf1e97d35ecc2b9b65fafb9e2190d361
> The traceback I got (preceded by two print statement I included in an
> attempt to figure out what went wrong) is the following:
> menu =  options index =  *Code Context state =  disabled
> menuitem =  .!menu.options
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\runpy.py", line 193, in
> _run_module_as_main
>     "__main__", mod_spec)
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
>     exec(code, run_globals)
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\idlelib\__main__.py", line 7, in
> <module>
>     idlelib.pyshell.main()
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\idlelib\pyshell.py", line 1521,
> in main
>     shell = flist.open_shell()
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\idlelib\pyshell.py", line 328,
> in open_shell
>     self.pyshell = PyShell(self)
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\idlelib\pyshell.py", line 879,
> in __init__
>     OutputWindow.__init__(self, flist, None, None)
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\idlelib\outwin.py", line 81, in
> __init__
>     self.update_menu_state('options', '*Code Context', 'disabled')
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\idlelib\editor.py", line 462, in
> update_menu_state
>     menuitem.entryconfig(index, state=state)
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 3354,
> in entryconfigure
>     return self._configure(('entryconfigure', index), cnf, kw)
>   File "C:\Users\andre\github\cpython\Lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1627,
> in _configure
>     self.tk.call(_flatten((self._w, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
> _tkinter.TclError: bad menu entry index "*Code Context"
> I *suspect* that it is because other places required translations to my
> fictitious uppercase language
> before reaching that point, resulting in some inconsistencies ...
>  but it seemed like a good place to stop to get some feedback
> as to whether or not this approach would be acceptable.
> André Roberge
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