[Idle-dev] Simple IDLE improvement

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat May 26 19:43:16 EDT 2018

On 5/25/2018 11:52 AM, Elisha Paine wrote:
> Hi IDLE team
> I love IDLE (so simple and lightweight compared with other IDEs) and was just wondering if you could add the following code into pyshell.py and pyshell.pyw 

There is, currently, no pyshell.pyw.  pyshell.py is run however IDLE is 
(as I have done on mine) because, as you will be able to tell, it sets 
DPI awareness (and on my set-up makes the text a lot clearer)

On my wide-screen monitor attached to a video card, using white on dark. 
  I would not say 'a lot' clearer, but the text is noticeably clearer, 
box lines are sharper, white and some colors are brighter, and some 
characters are better formed.  After comparing IDLE without and with the 
patch to Command Prompt, using the same font and nearly the same size, I 
conclude that Command Prompt has dpi awareness turned on.

> import ctypes
> try: ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness (True)
> except: pass

Thank you.  I like it.  I opened

Terry Jan Reedy

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