[Idle-dev] (auto)-completion problems

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat May 26 14:50:04 EDT 2018

On 5/25/2018 8:35 AM, Peter Galan wrote:

> 	Thank you for a prompt reply. So, I've installed the latest version of the Python 3 (3.6.5) but unfortunately it behaves almost identically. So, my program have the classes and objects and they have attributes, but no auto-completion window appears when I write the object name followed by the dot. I can only force some window to appear (the same as with the Python 2) by pressing the Ctrl+Space, but that window is not related to any of my objects.

Without knowing exactly what you did, I cannot add to what I wrote 
before.  Did you try 'int.', in both shell and editor?  What does it do 
for you?  Did you try to  "run the code already written for completions 
to work properly." ?

> Apparently it contains all possible generic attributes. Actually I do need to type anything, just to press the Ctrl+Space for that window to appear. The only difference from the Python 2 is, that now I can use at that window and select any item, which then appears in my program.

> But you mentioned to wait for the next version, 3.7, so I'll wait.

Completions are the same in 3.6.5 and 3.7.0.

This list is for IDLE development.  Questions about VPython and Anaconda 
are off-topic, and I know little about either.  Try a VPython list, or 
python-list, or StackOverflow.

Please send any response to the list.

Terry Jan Reedy

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