[Idle-dev] Informal Reddit poll on IDLE usage

Al Sweigart al at inventwithpython.com
Sat May 30 02:51:18 CEST 2015

I posted a (very unscientific) poll about who uses IDLE to Reddit's
/r/python and /r/learnpython (a more beginner-oriented forum)
subreddits a while back. Here are their results:

Did you use IDLE when first learning Python or use it currently?

87 votes (36%) - Yes, I used IDLE when I started with Python or I use
it currently.
153 votes (64%) - No, I used a different editor when I was starting with Python.

99 votes (40%) - Yes, I used IDLE when I started with Python or I use
it currently.
146 votes (60%) - No, I used a different editor when I was starting with Python.


So the good news is that it looks like IDLE still has a very
significant market share of first time Python programmers using it.


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