[Idle-dev] walkthrough/snapshot of IDLE user interface improvements to date

Mark Roseman mark at markroseman.com
Mon Aug 31 21:44:27 CEST 2015

As I’ve been making changes to various pieces of IDLE’s user interface, I’ve been documenting the updates in the form of a case study. I hope that will be useful to others modernizing a Tk-based application. I’ve put a draft of that, as well as a snapshot of the current code, here:


I’m looking forward to helping do whatever I can to migrate some of these changes into IDLE’s official codebase. But in the meantime if anyone can take a read or try the code, that would be great!

Some of the deeper changes to allow (cleanly) for more of a single window model will probably have to wait until a few more of these preliminaries find their way in.


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