[Idle-dev] ttk appearance

Glyph glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Sat Aug 1 22:21:57 CEST 2015

> On Aug 1, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Mark Roseman <mark at markroseman.com> wrote:
> If anyone is curious, here is a ‘before and after’ as to what IDLE’s config dialog looks like on Mac, Windows and Linux when using the ttk widgets:
> 	http://www.tkdocs.com/images/idle_cfgfont_ttk.png <http://www.tkdocs.com/images/idle_cfgfont_ttk.png>
> This is intentionally without any real layout/structure changes, and with only minor tweaking to spacing etc.
> Mark

This looks great!  Does this mean that user applications built with Tkinter can use these too?  Are they built into Python?

Screenshot pro-tip, by the way: if you want to precisely capture one window with a nice drop shadow, you can do ⌘-shift-4, hit spacebar, and then click on a window.  I can see that these shots were captured by carefully dragging a border around a window to crop it :).


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