[Idle-dev] Fwd: atexit handler in IDLE?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Jan 18 13:56:01 CET 2013

On 1/18/2013 7:06 AM, Steve Spicklemire wrote:

> I have to say... the deeper implications of one approach or another on IDLE as a whole are pretty much lost on me. ;-(

The main point is that IDLE should run code pretty much the same way as 
the interpreter, taking into account that it has the extra feature of 
multiple interactive sessions, with or without a preceding batch run. In 
particular, it should not disable normal behavior, as it seems to do now.

The subsidiary point is that we have to know the details of 'normal' to 
imitate those details.

> It would be nice if this behavior could be incorporated into IDLE at some point,

Once I, Roger, or any other interested developers agree on where and 
how, I think it should and will be.

Terry Jan Reedy

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