[Idle-dev] IDLE 2.6.4 crashes constantly

Ned Deily nad at acm.org
Wed Apr 7 23:44:03 CEST 2010

In article <4BBCBA75.7010306 at ncsu.edu>,
 Bruce Sherwood <Bruce_Sherwood at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> I use VIDLE routinely on OSX with no difficulty. VIDLE is a version of 
> IDLE for which Guilherme Polo fixed many significant errors. You can 
> find a copy at http://vpython.org.
> Bruce Sherwood
> On 4/7/2010 12:42 PM, Guilherme Polo wrote:
> > 2010/3/9 Steffen Møller-Larsen<sml at humgen.au.dk>:
> >    
> >> Hi, all
> >>
> >> I have recently downloaded and installed IDLE 2.6.4 via an Activepython 
> >> distribution. I find that IDLE crashes over and over again causing it to 
> >> freeze completely. It is a real pain if the work has not been saved. I am 
> >> running it on a fairly new iMac running OSX 10.6.2. Is this a common 
> >> problem for this version? Thank you in advance.
> >>
> >> Respectfully
> >>
> >> Steffen Møller-Larsen
> >>      
> > Since no one replied to your message I would suggest trying to get the
> > actual error message, if there is one. Maybe running IDLE from the
> > Terminal app could help on this task. A better description is
> > necessary, does it crash very often or it gets frozen ? I suspect
> > there aren't many people using IDLE on OSX, so the more information
> > you give the greater are the chances of getting some help.

There have been various problems reported with Python 2.6.x IDLE linked 
with Apple's default Tk 8.5 on 10.6 (a Cocoa-based Tk) such as the IDLE 
supplied by Apple with 10.6.  Using a 2.6.x IDLE linked with Tk 8.4, 
such as is included with the python.org OS X 2.6.5 installer should be 
quite stable.  If not, please document on the python.org issue tracker.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at acm.org

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