[Idle-dev] Dealing with a few feature requests

Douglas S. Blank dblank at brynmawr.edu
Sat May 26 17:58:59 CEST 2007

On Sat, May 26, 2007 8:13 am, Tal Einat said:

>> * Tabbed pages - This is the #1 feature request right now. I know
>> several
>> people who don't use IDLE just because of the lack of tabbed pages. Is
>> anyone willing to help me work on this? I have done initial work
>> (creating a
>> solid TabbedPages widget), what's left is mostly hacking IDLE's
>> internals to
>> use the TabbedPages widget instead of opening new windows.


> * Tabbed pages - As usual, everyone wants this, but (almost) nobody wants
> to
> do it. I can't imagine this happening any time soon unless:
> 1) Someone volunteers to do this, or at least help out. Douglas, you said
> you'd be willing to help - to what extent?
> 2) Some money is donated to the cause, in which case I'd be willing to do
> this. It's too big a project for me to take up just for fun these days.
> 3) This becomes a Google SoC (Summer of Code) project, or part of one.
> I would really like to have Tabbed Pages in IDLE, and I know I'm not
> alone!
> Please help this become a reality.

For me, this would be useful to have at the start of the next semester
(August 2007)--- too soon for the next SoC. I don't have funding to
provide for it, but do have some time and energy to help.

To that end, I've started a wiki page:


Feel free to use that as it is, or if there is a more appropriate place,
move it, or ignore it. I have a CVS repository, too, if you'd like to use
that. (Or point me to installation info on another if you would like.)

One meta point for me: I don't really mind if this gets adopted
immediately (or at all) into the standard IDLE distribution. That would be
great, but not necessary for me.


> - Tal

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