[Idle-dev] SearchBar - Have fun searching in IDLE!

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Thu Feb 8 10:35:29 CET 2007

On 8 Feb, 2007, at 10:20, Tal Einat wrote:

> On 2/8/07, Michael Haubenwallner <michael at d2m.at> wrote:
> On an aside: searching Google for idle extensions is not an easy  
> thing.
> Do you know of a listing of available extensions or even a  
> repository to
> download from ?
> AFAIK there is none.
> If not, should there be one ?
> - wiki.python.org could have a page with a list of links
> - code.google.com/hosting could host such a repo
> I believe there should be one, once the selection is sizeable (as  
> it is starting to become) and installation ease is improved...

The cheeseshop is another option and is used by a number of the web  
frameworks. If you ask nicely the cheeseshop maintainer could even  
add a classifier/category for IDLE extensions.

> How could we ease the process of installing an idle extension ?
> I see no problem to just make the extension a package and put it in  
> the
> python path (site-packages).
> Then we would need to change idlelib.configHandler.IdleConf to accept
> the package path besides the idleDir and userDir config options.
> This lets us eggify an extension and use ez_install for download and
> installation.
> This is a very good idea! A few points which need to be resolved  
> first:
> Even if we could get idleConf to work like this, we would still  
> need a way for IDLE to know about extensions. Currently extensions  
> are "registered" by them adding an entry in config-extensions. How  
> would we do this otherwise?

Setuptools entry-points are one option for this. Another option is  
installing all plugins in a special magic pacage and load all modules  
in that package.
> Currently user config is in a single config-extensions file. How  
> would we manage user configuration with each extension being a  
> separate module?
> Regarding #2, I think we could still have user config in a single  
> config-extensions file, where config for all extensions is stored
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