[Idle-dev] KeyBindings for Debugger

David McNab david@rebirthing.co.nz
26 Feb 2003 16:11:30 +1300


I've just started using Idle on Debian.

Great IDE, except for one thing.

There seems to be no way to create key bindings for the Debugger
commands - 'next', 'step', 'continue', 'return'.

Result is that it's compulsory-mouse-only operation, which gets
extremely painful on the mouse finger. Repetitive mouse-clicks put a lot
more stress on the finger than keystrokes.

I tried adding bindings, by setting keystroke event handlers in
Debugger.py. They work, but every time I do a 'step'/'next' etc, window
focus goes to the source editing window, at which point I have to either
click back on the debugger window or use a keyboard shortcut.
I experimented with a few things, but I don't know tk well enough to
know what methods to invoke.

Can anyone please help?
All I want is the option of pressing keystrokes to step through code,
instead of the compulsory mouse-clicks.

Thanks muchly in advance