[Idle-dev] CVS: idle EditorWindow.py,1.27,1.28

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 19:34:25 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/idlefork/idle
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv21713

Modified Files:
Log Message:
    AutoIndent merged 21Jul
    Comment out debug messages 21Jul

Index: EditorWindow.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/EditorWindow.py,v
retrieving revision 1.27
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -C2 -r1.27 -r1.28
*** EditorWindow.py	11 Jul 2002 04:33:41 -0000	1.27
--- EditorWindow.py	14 Sep 2002 02:34:23 -0000	1.28
*** 14,17 ****
--- 14,18 ----
  import GrepDialog
  import ReplaceDialog
+ import PyParse
  #from IdleConf import idleconf
  from configHandler import idleConf
*** 142,145 ****
--- 143,158 ----
          text.bind("<<goto-line>>", self.goto_line_event)
          text.bind("<3>", self.right_menu_event)
+         text.bind("<<smart-backspace>>",self.smart_backspace_event)
+         text.bind("<<newline-and-indent>>",self.newline_and_indent_event)
+         text.bind("<<smart-indent>>",self.smart_indent_event)
+         text.bind("<<indent-region>>",self.indent_region_event)
+         text.bind("<<dedent-region>>",self.dedent_region_event)
+         text.bind("<<comment-region>>",self.comment_region_event)
+         text.bind("<<uncomment-region>>",self.uncomment_region_event)
+         text.bind("<<tabify-region>>",self.tabify_region_event)
+         text.bind("<<untabify-region>>",self.untabify_region_event)
+         text.bind("<<toggle-tabs>>",self.toggle_tabs_event)
+         text.bind("<<change-indentwidth>>",self.change_indentwidth_event)
          if flist:
              flist.inversedict[self] = key
*** 876,879 ****
--- 889,1359 ----
                                    "n" * newtabwidth)
+ ### begin autoindent code ###
+     # usetabs true  -> literal tab characters are used by indent and
+     #                  dedent cmds, possibly mixed with spaces if
+     #                  indentwidth is not a multiple of tabwidth
+     #         false -> tab characters are converted to spaces by indent
+     #                  and dedent cmds, and ditto TAB keystrokes
+     # indentwidth is the number of characters per logical indent level.
+     # tabwidth is the display width of a literal tab character.
+     # CAUTION:  telling Tk to use anything other than its default
+     # tab setting causes it to use an entirely different tabbing algorithm,
+     # treating tab stops as fixed distances from the left margin.
+     # Nobody expects this, so for now tabwidth should never be changed.
+     usetabs = 0
+     indentwidth = 4
+     tabwidth = 8    # for IDLE use, must remain 8 until Tk is fixed
+     # If context_use_ps1 is true, parsing searches back for a ps1 line;
+     # else searches for a popular (if, def, ...) Python stmt.
+     context_use_ps1 = 0
+     # When searching backwards for a reliable place to begin parsing,
+     # first start num_context_lines[0] lines back, then
+     # num_context_lines[1] lines back if that didn't work, and so on.
+     # The last value should be huge (larger than the # of lines in a
+     # conceivable file).
+     # Making the initial values larger slows things down more often.
+     num_context_lines = 50, 500, 5000000
+     def config(self, **options):
+         for key, value in options.items():
+             if key == 'usetabs':
+                 self.usetabs = value
+             elif key == 'indentwidth':
+                 self.indentwidth = value
+             elif key == 'tabwidth':
+                 self.tabwidth = value
+             elif key == 'context_use_ps1':
+                 self.context_use_ps1 = value
+             else:
+                 raise KeyError, "bad option name: %s" % `key`
+     # If ispythonsource and guess are true, guess a good value for
+     # indentwidth based on file content (if possible), and if
+     # indentwidth != tabwidth set usetabs false.
+     # In any case, adjust the Text widget's view of what a tab
+     # character means.
+     def set_indentation_params(self, ispythonsource, guess=1):
+         if guess and ispythonsource:
+             i = self.guess_indent()
+             if 2 <= i <= 8:
+                 self.indentwidth = i
+             if self.indentwidth != self.tabwidth:
+                 self.usetabs = 0
+         self.set_tabwidth(self.tabwidth)
+     def smart_backspace_event(self, event):
+         text = self.text
+         first, last = self.get_selection_indices()
+         if first and last:
+             text.delete(first, last)
+             text.mark_set("insert", first)
+             return "break"
+         # Delete whitespace left, until hitting a real char or closest
+         # preceding virtual tab stop.
+         chars = text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
+         if chars == '':
+             if text.compare("insert", ">", "1.0"):
+                 # easy: delete preceding newline
+                 text.delete("insert-1c")
+             else:
+                 text.bell()     # at start of buffer
+             return "break"
+         if  chars[-1] not in " \t":
+             # easy: delete preceding real char
+             text.delete("insert-1c")
+             return "break"
+         # Ick.  It may require *inserting* spaces if we back up over a
+         # tab character!  This is written to be clear, not fast.
+         expand, tabwidth = string.expandtabs, self.tabwidth
+         have = len(expand(chars, tabwidth))
+         assert have > 0
+         want = ((have - 1) // self.indentwidth) * self.indentwidth
+         ncharsdeleted = 0
+         while 1:
+             chars = chars[:-1]
+             ncharsdeleted = ncharsdeleted + 1
+             have = len(expand(chars, tabwidth))
+             if have <= want or chars[-1] not in " \t":
+                 break
+         text.undo_block_start()
+         text.delete("insert-%dc" % ncharsdeleted, "insert")
+         if have < want:
+             text.insert("insert", ' ' * (want - have))
+         text.undo_block_stop()
+         return "break"
+     def smart_indent_event(self, event):
+         # if intraline selection:
+         #     delete it
+         # elif multiline selection:
+         #     do indent-region & return
+         # indent one level
+         text = self.text
+         first, last = self.get_selection_indices()
+         text.undo_block_start()
+         try:
+             if first and last:
+                 if index2line(first) != index2line(last):
+                     return self.indent_region_event(event)
+                 text.delete(first, last)
+                 text.mark_set("insert", first)
+             prefix = text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
+             raw, effective = classifyws(prefix, self.tabwidth)
+             if raw == len(prefix):
+                 # only whitespace to the left
+                 self.reindent_to(effective + self.indentwidth)
+             else:
+                 if self.usetabs:
+                     pad = '\t'
+                 else:
+                     effective = len(string.expandtabs(prefix,
+                                                       self.tabwidth))
+                     n = self.indentwidth
+                     pad = ' ' * (n - effective % n)
+                 text.insert("insert", pad)
+             text.see("insert")
+             return "break"
+         finally:
+             text.undo_block_stop()
+     def newline_and_indent_event(self, event):
+         text = self.text
+         first, last = self.get_selection_indices()
+         text.undo_block_start()
+         try:
+             if first and last:
+                 text.delete(first, last)
+                 text.mark_set("insert", first)
+             line = text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
+             i, n = 0, len(line)
+             while i < n and line[i] in " \t":
+                 i = i+1
+             if i == n:
+                 # the cursor is in or at leading indentation; just inject
+                 # an empty line at the start
+                 text.insert("insert linestart", '\n')
+                 return "break"
+             indent = line[:i]
+             # strip whitespace before insert point
+             i = 0
+             while line and line[-1] in " \t":
+                 line = line[:-1]
+                 i = i+1
+             if i:
+                 text.delete("insert - %d chars" % i, "insert")
+             # strip whitespace after insert point
+             while text.get("insert") in " \t":
+                 text.delete("insert")
+             # start new line
+             text.insert("insert", '\n')
+             # adjust indentation for continuations and block
+             # open/close first need to find the last stmt
+             lno = index2line(text.index('insert'))
+             y = PyParse.Parser(self.indentwidth, self.tabwidth)
+             for context in self.num_context_lines:
+                 startat = max(lno - context, 1)
+                 startatindex = `startat` + ".0"
+                 rawtext = text.get(startatindex, "insert")
+                 y.set_str(rawtext)
+                 bod = y.find_good_parse_start(
+                           self.context_use_ps1,
+                           self._build_char_in_string_func(startatindex))
+                 if bod is not None or startat == 1:
+                     break
+             y.set_lo(bod or 0)
+             c = y.get_continuation_type()
+             if c != PyParse.C_NONE:
+                 # The current stmt hasn't ended yet.
+                 if c == PyParse.C_STRING:
+                     # inside a string; just mimic the current indent
+                     text.insert("insert", indent)
+                 elif c == PyParse.C_BRACKET:
+                     # line up with the first (if any) element of the
+                     # last open bracket structure; else indent one
+                     # level beyond the indent of the line with the
+                     # last open bracket
+                     self.reindent_to(y.compute_bracket_indent())
+                 elif c == PyParse.C_BACKSLASH:
+                     # if more than one line in this stmt already, just
+                     # mimic the current indent; else if initial line
+                     # has a start on an assignment stmt, indent to
+                     # beyond leftmost =; else to beyond first chunk of
+                     # non-whitespace on initial line
+                     if y.get_num_lines_in_stmt() > 1:
+                         text.insert("insert", indent)
+                     else:
+                         self.reindent_to(y.compute_backslash_indent())
+                 else:
+                     assert 0, "bogus continuation type " + `c`
+                 return "break"
+             # This line starts a brand new stmt; indent relative to
+             # indentation of initial line of closest preceding
+             # interesting stmt.
+             indent = y.get_base_indent_string()
+             text.insert("insert", indent)
+             if y.is_block_opener():
+                 self.smart_indent_event(event)
+             elif indent and y.is_block_closer():
+                 self.smart_backspace_event(event)
+             return "break"
+         finally:
+             text.see("insert")
+             text.undo_block_stop()
+     auto_indent = newline_and_indent_event
+     # Our editwin provides a is_char_in_string function that works
+     # with a Tk text index, but PyParse only knows about offsets into
+     # a string. This builds a function for PyParse that accepts an
+     # offset.
+     def _build_char_in_string_func(self, startindex):
+         def inner(offset, _startindex=startindex,
+                   _icis=self.is_char_in_string):
+             return _icis(_startindex + "+%dc" % offset)
+         return inner
+     def indent_region_event(self, event):
+         head, tail, chars, lines = self.get_region()
+         for pos in range(len(lines)):
+             line = lines[pos]
+             if line:
+                 raw, effective = classifyws(line, self.tabwidth)
+                 effective = effective + self.indentwidth
+                 lines[pos] = self._make_blanks(effective) + line[raw:]
+         self.set_region(head, tail, chars, lines)
+         return "break"
+     def dedent_region_event(self, event):
+         head, tail, chars, lines = self.get_region()
+         for pos in range(len(lines)):
+             line = lines[pos]
+             if line:
+                 raw, effective = classifyws(line, self.tabwidth)
+                 effective = max(effective - self.indentwidth, 0)
+                 lines[pos] = self._make_blanks(effective) + line[raw:]
+         self.set_region(head, tail, chars, lines)
+         return "break"
+     def comment_region_event(self, event):
+         head, tail, chars, lines = self.get_region()
+         for pos in range(len(lines) - 1):
+             line = lines[pos]
+             lines[pos] = '##' + line
+         self.set_region(head, tail, chars, lines)
+     def uncomment_region_event(self, event):
+         head, tail, chars, lines = self.get_region()
+         for pos in range(len(lines)):
+             line = lines[pos]
+             if not line:
+                 continue
+             if line[:2] == '##':
+                 line = line[2:]
+             elif line[:1] == '#':
+                 line = line[1:]
+             lines[pos] = line
+         self.set_region(head, tail, chars, lines)
+     def tabify_region_event(self, event):
+         head, tail, chars, lines = self.get_region()
+         tabwidth = self._asktabwidth()
+         for pos in range(len(lines)):
+             line = lines[pos]
+             if line:
+                 raw, effective = classifyws(line, tabwidth)
+                 ntabs, nspaces = divmod(effective, tabwidth)
+                 lines[pos] = '\t' * ntabs + ' ' * nspaces + line[raw:]
+         self.set_region(head, tail, chars, lines)
+     def untabify_region_event(self, event):
+         head, tail, chars, lines = self.get_region()
+         tabwidth = self._asktabwidth()
+         for pos in range(len(lines)):
+             lines[pos] = string.expandtabs(lines[pos], tabwidth)
+         self.set_region(head, tail, chars, lines)
+     def toggle_tabs_event(self, event):
+         if self.askyesno(
+               "Toggle tabs",
+               "Turn tabs " + ("on", "off")[self.usetabs] + "?",
+               parent=self.text):
+             self.usetabs = not self.usetabs
+         return "break"
+     # XXX this isn't bound to anything -- see class tabwidth comments
+     def change_tabwidth_event(self, event):
+         new = self._asktabwidth()
+         if new != self.tabwidth:
+             self.tabwidth = new
+             self.set_indentation_params(0, guess=0)
+         return "break"
+     def change_indentwidth_event(self, event):
+         new = self.askinteger(
+                   "Indent width",
+                   "New indent width (2-16)",
+                   parent=self.text,
+                   initialvalue=self.indentwidth,
+                   minvalue=2,
+                   maxvalue=16)
+         if new and new != self.indentwidth:
+             self.indentwidth = new
+         return "break"
+     def get_region(self):
+         text = self.text
+         first, last = self.get_selection_indices()
+         if first and last:
+             head = text.index(first + " linestart")
+             tail = text.index(last + "-1c lineend +1c")
+         else:
+             head = text.index("insert linestart")
+             tail = text.index("insert lineend +1c")
+         chars = text.get(head, tail)
+         lines = string.split(chars, "\n")
+         return head, tail, chars, lines
+     def set_region(self, head, tail, chars, lines):
+         text = self.text
+         newchars = string.join(lines, "\n")
+         if newchars == chars:
+             text.bell()
+             return
+         text.tag_remove("sel", "1.0", "end")
+         text.mark_set("insert", head)
+         text.undo_block_start()
+         text.delete(head, tail)
+         text.insert(head, newchars)
+         text.undo_block_stop()
+         text.tag_add("sel", head, "insert")
+     # Make string that displays as n leading blanks.
+     def _make_blanks(self, n):
+         if self.usetabs:
+             ntabs, nspaces = divmod(n, self.tabwidth)
+             return '\t' * ntabs + ' ' * nspaces
+         else:
+             return ' ' * n
+     # Delete from beginning of line to insert point, then reinsert
+     # column logical (meaning use tabs if appropriate) spaces.
+     def reindent_to(self, column):
+         text = self.text
+         text.undo_block_start()
+         if text.compare("insert linestart", "!=", "insert"):
+             text.delete("insert linestart", "insert")
+         if column:
+             text.insert("insert", self._make_blanks(column))
+         text.undo_block_stop()
+     def _asktabwidth(self):
+         return self.askinteger(
+             "Tab width",
+             "Spaces per tab? (2-16)",
+             parent=self.text,
+             initialvalue=self.indentwidth,
+             minvalue=2,
+             maxvalue=16) or self.tabwidth
+     # Guess indentwidth from text content.
+     # Return guessed indentwidth.  This should not be believed unless
+     # it's in a reasonable range (e.g., it will be 0 if no indented
+     # blocks are found).
+     def guess_indent(self):
+         opener, indented = IndentSearcher(self.text, self.tabwidth).run()
+         if opener and indented:
+             raw, indentsmall = classifyws(opener, self.tabwidth)
+             raw, indentlarge = classifyws(indented, self.tabwidth)
+         else:
+             indentsmall = indentlarge = 0
+         return indentlarge - indentsmall
+ # "line.col" -> line, as an int
+ def index2line(index):
+     return int(float(index))
+ # Look at the leading whitespace in s.
+ # Return pair (# of leading ws characters,
+ #              effective # of leading blanks after expanding
+ #              tabs to width tabwidth)
+ def classifyws(s, tabwidth):
+     raw = effective = 0
+     for ch in s:
+         if ch == ' ':
+             raw = raw + 1
+             effective = effective + 1
+         elif ch == '\t':
+             raw = raw + 1
+             effective = (effective // tabwidth + 1) * tabwidth
+         else:
+             break
+     return raw, effective
+ import tokenize
+ _tokenize = tokenize
+ del tokenize
+ class IndentSearcher:
+     # .run() chews over the Text widget, looking for a block opener
+     # and the stmt following it.  Returns a pair,
+     #     (line containing block opener, line containing stmt)
+     # Either or both may be None.
+     def __init__(self, text, tabwidth):
+         self.text = text
+         self.tabwidth = tabwidth
+         self.i = self.finished = 0
+         self.blkopenline = self.indentedline = None
+     def readline(self):
+         if self.finished:
+             return ""
+         i = self.i = self.i + 1
+         mark = `i` + ".0"
+         if self.text.compare(mark, ">=", "end"):
+             return ""
+         return self.text.get(mark, mark + " lineend+1c")
+     def tokeneater(self, type, token, start, end, line,
+                    INDENT=_tokenize.INDENT,
+                    NAME=_tokenize.NAME,
+                    OPENERS=('class', 'def', 'for', 'if', 'try', 'while')):
+         if self.finished:
+             pass
+         elif type == NAME and token in OPENERS:
+             self.blkopenline = line
+         elif type == INDENT and self.blkopenline:
+             self.indentedline = line
+             self.finished = 1
+     def run(self):
+         save_tabsize = _tokenize.tabsize
+         _tokenize.tabsize = self.tabwidth
+         try:
+             try:
+                 _tokenize.tokenize(self.readline, self.tokeneater)
+             except _tokenize.TokenError:
+                 # since we cut off the tokenizer early, we can trigger
+                 # spurious errors
+                 pass
+         finally:
+             _tokenize.tabsize = save_tabsize
+         return self.blkopenline, self.indentedline
+ ### end autoindent code ###
  def prepstr(s):