[Idle-dev] anti-mission statement

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk@shore.net
13 Sep 2002 00:07:35 -0400

Lloyd D Budd <linux@foolswisdom.org> writes:

> Just getting started with python.  Letting you know that the idle-fork
> website and specifically the mission statement does not make much sense
> to an outsider.  It does not identify the diff b/w idle devel and
> idle-fork devel, if there is one.  It also does not make it clear if
> idle and idle-fork are the same thing, or if they are not, who's mission
> statement that is.

Lloyd,  thanks for the anti-anti-mission statement, I guess  ;)

We will clap on our newbie goggles and take another look at that guy.

The exec summary is that Idlefork is a low protocol (no PEPs [yet :-])
development branch of Idle which will be rolled back into Python RSN.

Thanks for the input.  Welcome to Python!