[Idle-dev] idlefork handover

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 22:39:48 -0400

[Stephen M. Gava]
> After discussion with Guido and Kurt, and consideration of some
> reasons relating to my personal life, and in spite of being asked by
> Guido to stay on, I've decided to withdraw from my involvement with
> the idlefork project for now.

Stephen, thanks for being the idlefork project manager.  I'm sorry you
have decided to leave, but you've got to do what you've got to do.  I
trust that Kurt will be a competent replacement, though things will
never be the same.

Kurt, I believe your plans are to merge Stephen's work on the
DS_RPC_BRANCH branch into the trunk, and then start preparing for a
release, going through the usual alpha and beta releases pretty
quickly.  I propose to call that release IDLE 0.9.

After that point, I propose that we focus on merging idlefork back
into the fold of the Python project; that version should be IDLE 1.0.
If we could do this before the release of Python 2.3, that would be
great.  At that point, the idlefork developers who want to continue to
work on idle will be more than welcome to join the Python developers
crew; the idlefork project at SourceForge can then be dismantled.  (I
see no reason to continue to idlefork as a separate project once it's
been merged back into Python -- it has served its purpose.)

[Tony Lownds]
> I've been silent until now but am starting to make patches for IDLE's 
> smooth operation in OS X
> There are some installation and keyboard and Tk issues. I have a 
> patch (606132, python.sf.net) that improves IDLE on OS X; Kurt or 
> Guido, should I re-do all patches against idlefork too?  What kind of 
> synchronization is going to happen?

See above.  The best thing for you would be to prepare patches for
idlefork.  (If you want to become an idlefork developer, that should
be fine -- you can then apply the patches yourself, as long as Kurt

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)