[Idle-dev] DS_RPC_BRANCH

Stephen M. Gava elguavas@python.net
04 Sep 2002 13:42:16 +1000

Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
> > Well, I guess that's just semantics. ;^) I call that "getting lost" at
> > least temporarily, you call it "being wiped by accident then replaced".
> > The net result for cvs users was that the patch was lost from recent
> > checkouts.
> I would have croaked it even if we were working on one branch.  

Of course, *sigh*, the point is that if we were both working on the same
branch the problem would've been detected and fixed much more quickly!
That is the reality. I don't understand what you're not getting about

> > Please re-read my earlier detailed response to this suggestion. I guess
> > it sounds pretty simple to just pop out a release, but actually it's a
> > lot of work. 
> I'll be happy to do it.  Especially if the VP guys would like one; we
> haven't had one for a year.

The vp guys have been perfectly happy waiting for our next release. Read
Bruce's previous emails and the confusion you caused by attempting to
change directions from the next release will have all the new code to
the next release will be another half-baked one. Under my leadership we
are aiming to _end_ the forking of _production_ idle, not give it a
whole new lease of life. Bruce Sherwood and David Scherer, the two main
vpython folk we've had contact with over the last year and a half have
understood that and been happy with it and agreed with it, and Guido
too. This decision was already made long ago; your butting in on the
release manager job was unwelcome, not required, and as we have seen
confusing and unhelpful to the vpython guys rather than useful to them.
Re-read the last year and a half of idle-dev to get a clear handle on
where we were going and why, I don't have time to keep on repeating it
all to you.

> > Again I think we must avoid nice sounding in theory makework that
> > steals what little time we have between us away from what we
> > actually need to be focusing our limited energies on: getting out
> > some tarballs of 0.9x with all the new stuff in for people to test.
> > Let me try and explain myself. My focus in all of this has not been
> > on the most theoretically perfect way of proceeding, it has been
> > purely on managing a project with very limited resources in such a
> > way that I hope we will achieve the main desired result. Sometimes
> > that approach does not equal doing things the most theoretically
> > perfect way. If you are unhappy with my attempts to carry out my
> > role with the project, which is not only developer but manger and
> > coordinator, then I am happy to drop back to just being a developer
> > if you want to take over that coordinating role and move things in a
> > different direction, honestly, I could well do without the extra
> > grief.
> Up to you.

No, it's not only up to me. Read above where I said "If you are
unhappy...", this was the point for you or anybody else reading this to
support the job I've been doing so far. If that's not going to happen I
don't feel I really have a choice.

If Guido is happy to stamp your visa then when I get the chance to start
"clearing my idlefork desk" tomorrow I'll punt all the project manager
stuff over to you, say my goodbyes etc..  

> What has "proven" this?  What is the problem?  It's been fine for me,
> what is the impact on you?  

Hmm, maybe everything I already apparently wasted my time writing in my
last long message about this. I'm so glad I took the time out of my day
try to make it clear to you.

> There is nothing stopping you from doing
> any development you want.  

At the moment I'm not committing some patches because of reasons I
already explained. I guess you didn't read that part either.

> I certainly don't want to merge anything that isn't working :)


> Actually, looking at the AutoIndent stuff, why "de-factor" it,
> especially if it is wired into EditorWindow.py in other than a trivial
> way?  It increased the size of EditorWindow by over 50% to a rather
> bloated 1350 lines.  (PyShell.py is only 875.)  What's the advantage?
> Why not just revert it?

The reasons for moving several of the "required extensions" into the
editor instead of leaving them as extensions is well documented in many
earlier discussions on this list. Exactly how that happens is of course
flexible. As for the relative size of EditorWindow and PyShell, so what?
My concern with that situation is that there is a lot in PyShell that
should probably really be other places, but that is historical dirt,
like the messy direct references to the autoindent code that was
supposedly an extension but which should probably have been merged into
the main editor code long ago. 

Stephen M. Gava <elguavas@python.net> http://python.net/crew/elguavas
IDLEfork http://idlefork.sourceforge.net "just like IDLE, only crunchy"