[Idle-dev] DS_RPC_BRANCH

Stephen M. Gava elguavas@python.net
04 Sep 2002 11:27:07 +1000

On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 08:12, Bruce Sherwood wrote:
> Since my name appears in this note, I'll say that I'm certainly very
> interested in bundling a spiffy new version of IDLE with VPython. I've been
> consumed with a move from Carnegie Mellon to North Carolina State
> University, so I haven't attempted to run a recent version of idlefork, due
> to my (mis?)perception that there really has never been something one might
> call a "release". 

Hi Bruce. No, there hasn't been any official release of any of the new
code yet, it only exits in cvs.

> Once there is such a thing, I'll certainly try it myself
> and consult with you developers on whether it's ready for prime time with
> novice freshmen in a physics course.

That would be great. When we've completed some soon to be undertaken
shuffling around in cvs and finished off a couple more items on our todo
list we're aiming at some testing releases for all the new stuff,
hopefully leading up to some beta releases in the not too distant future
at which point idlefork may be in a state you'd want to consider doing a
build for vpython from. As you know the ultimate aim is to have all this
new stuff in python idle, so that with just a few configuration changes
the one version of idle should be suitable for both vpython and python

Stephen M. Gava <elguavas@python.net> http://python.net/crew/elguavas
IDLEfork http://idlefork.sourceforge.net "just like IDLE, only crunchy"