[Idle-dev] keybindings

Tony Lownds tony@lownds.com
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 23:00:32 -0800

>  > I will look at that.  There is also a problem in Unix (i.e. emacs)
>>  bindings where alt-f2 is Zoom Window.  But alt-function key in Gnu/Linux/X
>>  is used to change desktops.
>>  Anybody got any other keybinding issues?
>Option (alt-) keystrokes are not normal on the Mac.  Alt-F2 should be
>changed to command-/ (slash) which seems to be the de facto standard
>for window zooming.

Hmm, I didn't find any apps that use command-/. Maybe the keystroke 
for zoom-window will change to work better with Linux/X. The Mac 
keystroke for zoom-window can be adjusted then, as needed. In any 
case, you can make your own personal changes quite easily, if 
Option-F2 just isn't memorable or convenient enough!

>  The other one I see is "Expand word"... not
>exactly a common command, and the only other example I can find is
>CodeWarrior, which uses control-. (period).

Expand word is Option-/. We can eliminate the use of option here; 
Command-/ is more appropriate than Option-/. I'll change that.

One other option keystroke is Option-q, bound to format-paragraph. 
Using option seems necessary, because Command-Q must be quit. I think 
the unusual use of option here is better than the alternative of an 
unusually platform-specific binding (Command-.).
