[Idle-dev] New IDLE

Bruce Sherwood bas@andrew.cmu.edu
Sat, 06 Oct 2001 18:24:42 -0400

On the VPython web site (http://cil.andrew.cmu.edu/projects/visual) there 
is a new version of IDLE, which is based on the "idlefork" project. The 
latter project is a Source Forge project (sf.net) which started from Dave 
Scherer's version of IDLE, which has been distributed with VPython in the 
past. The goal of the idlefork project is eventually to make this form of 
IDLE the one that is normally distributed with Python itself.

It makes good sense for VPython to use the most up to date version of IDLE 
and not to keep a separate, older version around. The idlefork version as 
near as I can tell maintains all of the features of the original Scherer 
version, but it is continually enhanced, and bugs are fixed.

The version now on the VPython web site is essentially the current idlefork 
version, but with some crucial patches added this week by me to address 
some problems on Windows (if you're interested, see the patch section of 
the idlefork project found at sf.net). Hopefully these patches will work 
themselves into idlefork and be reimported to the VPython distribution.

Bruce Sherwood