[Idle-dev] mods?

StephenM.Gava StephenM.Gava
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 00:21:34 +1000

Bruce Sherwood wrote:
> Thanks for the help. I've now submitted 3 patches, one for each of the
> files I worked on.
> What happens to these various patch submissions? Do the developers
> occasionally make a sweep through them, incorporating those they see as
> useful into the official source? (I'm new to this particular form of
> collaboration.)

In theory, that's exactly how it should work.  ;^)   I'm the only active 
developer on IDLEfork at present and due to net access problems and other 
circumstances I'm not able to devote the time I'd like to the project at the 
moment, but I hope things will change for the better on this front soon.  I 
do monitor this list and the patches and bug reports at sourceforge when I 
get online, and when I get a chance to spend some time on it one of the first 
things I will need to do is go through the backlog of patches and have a 
close look at them.  In the meantime, by submitting your patches through 
sourceforge you can guarantee that they won't be lost to the project and will 
indeed be looked at in detail and applied if possible.

It's good to have some direct input from the Vpython neck of the woods again. 
In regard to this :

> My goal is that in the future all VPython distributions include the
> idlefork version of idle, rather than the older version originally due to
> Dave Scherer, from which idlefork development started.

Please take into account the fact that IDLEfork is temporarily in a 'treading 
water' mode.  Also you should consider that although it is an aim to 
have stable releases of IDLEfork, at the moment it's alpha, and the future 
target for full stability will be a version of Python's official IDLE with 
the IDLEfork changes folded in.  Anyway, the main point is, all help greatly 

Stephen M. Gava  <elguavas@users.sourceforge.net>
IDLEfork ( http://idlefork.sourceforge.net )  " just like IDLE, only crunchy "