[Idle-dev] rightclick

Patrick K. O'Brien pobrien@orbtech.com
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 10:09:25 -0500

In Windows Explorer, Tools | Folder Options | File Types scroll down the
list and select Python File. Hit the Edit button. In the Edit File Type
dialog hit the New button. In the Action field type in "Edit in IDLE" and in
the Application used to perform action field type in
"C:\Python21\pythonw.exe C:\PYTHON21\Tools\idle\idle.pyw -s -e". The -s
switch is optional and will load your PYTHONSTARTUP script. The -e says to
edit the file. The location of pythonw.exe and idle.pyw depends on your

Having done this, you can now right click on a .py file and you will have an
option to "Edit in IDLE". The only drawback to this technique is that if
IDLE is already running, a second shell window will open as well as the file
you want to edit.

Hope that helps.

Patrick K. O'Brien
"I am, therefore I think."

-----Original Message-----
From: idle-dev-admin@python.org [mailto:idle-dev-admin@python.org]On Behalf
Of Peter Bengtsson
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 9:30 AM
To: idle-dev@python.org
Subject: [Idle-dev] rightclick

1) In windows, how do I (if possible) right-click a py file and open it in

2) In windows, how do I (if possible with some hacking) right-click a py
file and open it in IDLE?

3) Where's the mailinglist archive for this mailing list? I never did any
research before question 1 and 2.

Cheers, Peter

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