[Tutor] [Edu-sig] [Idle-dev] IDLE's save-before-run requirement

StephenM.Gava StephenM.Gava
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 11:32:45 +1000

> Stephen,
> Thank you for finding the missing messages and posting them. And thank you
> for volunteering to help coordinate the IDLE revitilization (lather, rinse,
> repeat?). 

Hey, now it's so shiny!  Actually, reading back I wish I had a dollar for 
every time the word 'revitalise' popped up in recent messages.   *L*

> I think this final result is a very good thing. I wish you, Guido
> and everyone else the best of luck and look forward to helping out to the
> extent that I am able. Steady as she goes...

Thanks. All help welcome, plus, once the dust settles from the initial stages 
(mainly merging cvs's, and me getting a handle on a fair few things) I'll try 
to get up a list of things interested parties could have a go at.

> ---
> Patrick K. O'Brien
> Orbtech
> "I am, therefore I think."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: idle-dev-admin@python.org [mailto:idle-dev-admin@python.org]On Behalf
> Of stephen
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 7:48 PM
> To: idle-dev@python.org
> Subject: Fwd: Re: [Tutor] [Edu-sig] [Idle-dev] IDLE's save-before-run
> requirement
> Hello IDLERs,
> sorry if this thread got a little confused by a couple of missing messages,
> I
> wasn't noticing that a couple of my replies were going back to the original
> sender but not cc'ing to idle-dev. Here's the most recent and relevant
> message from me to Guido on revitalising the  idle-fork project.
> Folks, basically it was to keep IDLE on track with Guido as leader,
> ultimate arbiter of destiny, while I try to take on a coordinator (and I
> hope, more interestingly, contributing  coder and doc writer) role to free
> up Guido's day to day time as he needs for (doubtless many) other things. I
> think the gist of what I originally wrote to him was summed up in:  "Anyway
> the major points of my proposal are: steady as she goes, and, to keep your
> hand on the reins, while freeing it as much as you need."  I'll post the
> relevant parts of the whole message to idle-dev when I get a chanceto dig
> it out from my other machine.
> _______________________________________________
> IDLE-dev mailing list
> IDLE-dev@python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/idle-dev

Stephen M. Gava
"More power to those who don't care for it." - anon