Fwd: Re: [Tutor] [Edu-sig] [Idle-dev] IDLE's save-before-run requirement

stephen elguavas@users.sourceforge.net
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 10:47:56 +1000

Hello IDLERs,
sorry if this thread got a little confused by a couple of missing messages, I 
wasn't noticing that a couple of my replies were going back to the original 
sender but not cc'ing to idle-dev. Here's the most recent and relevant 
message from me to Guido on revitalising the  idle-fork project.

Folks, basically it was to keep IDLE on track with Guido as leader, ultimate 
arbiter of destiny, while I try to take on a coordinator (and I hope, more 
interestingly, contributing  coder and doc writer) role to free up Guido's 
day to day time as he needs for (doubtless many) other things. I think the 
gist of what I originally wrote to him was summed up in:  "Anyway the major 
points of my proposal are: steady as she goes, and, to keep your hand on the 
reins, while freeing it as much as you need."  I'll post the relevant parts 
of the whole message to idle-dev when I get a chanceto dig it out from my 
other machine.

-------- Forwarded message ------------
Hi again Guido,

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 11:50am, you wrote:
> Hi Stephen (what's your last name???).

Oh, Stephen M. Gava, that's me. I used to get called 'guava' a lot when I was 
a kid, and then 'esteban' (short for 'esteban guava') by co-workers some 
years later, so my usual email tag is 'elguavas' ( as in el guava s. ). I 
usually use that email account (elguavas@sourceforge.net) with friends, who 
know my full name, and for support of pyChing and pyWings, both of which have 
my full names in the about box contact details. I'll fix up my tagline and 
sourceforge details so that info is clear for this account.

> Your plan sounds good to me.  You can be the project coordinator for
> IDLE, and you keep me in the loop to help you decide on crucial
> issues.

Well that's great, I accept, and hope I can do a good job. Time to start 
getting up to speed on a few things I guess.

> The list of things you want to do looks good except I'm not keen on
> templates (I find them crutches).  

Ok, that's fine, and I see your point there. Those coding suggestions were 
really just off the top of my tired head.  I think the ability to somehow 
easily/automaticall look up relevant python documentation from the editor 
(context help), would be much more useful (and much better for learning too), 
but I think out of the things I suggested this would be the hardest to 
implement, or at least the one where I have the least idea how to start 
anyway. But these things in good time I guess.

> Your first goal ought to be to get
> the idle-fork project up to the same level as the current Python CVS
> version of IDLE.  Then I can check in the "remote" options and you can
> take it from there.

Ok, so you think proceeding with, revitalising, the existing idle-fork 
project is the best way to work on improved idle? That makes sense to me too. 
It means we have some scope to play with "developer versions" (within reason) 
without upsetting stable idle, a way of seeing what works or not for future 
merging, as intended.

> If you want to I can add you to the project admins right now, but I'd
> like to wait a bit until I hear from David Scherer (who is the
> originator).

Please do this. I have no desire to be inadvertently stepping on anyones toes 
at all. I merely want to offer my time to this, that I consider worthy task. 

> David, I hope you're on this list!

Me too. If he still wants to be involved that would be great. I need to soon 
work out some of who will be useful help for which things.

Stephen M. Gava
More power to those who don't care for it.