[Idle-dev] IDLE interpreter window

Albert Brandl Albert.Brandl@edvg.co.at
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 13:56:00 +0100

>In Albert's defense, I've often wished that a click in the PyShell
>window would move the cursor to the command line, and also that typing
>would automatically go into the command line.
>Albert is probably an example of a typical newbie who's seen xterms
>and DOS windows only, both of which have this interface (Emacs is
>definitely not for newbies :-).

I definitely don't agree with that "newbie" part. But otherwise I've got
to thank you for sharing your experience (which is surprisingly close
to mine)!

>[...] I've often confused myself by editing a previously
>executed command in place rather than copying it to the command line
>or using the history commands.

Me too. The problem is that the semantics of the window is very different
from anything I've used before for developing Python programs (not
_completely_ true: WinPython uses the same kind of Shell). And I'm quite
sure that people new to IDLE will encounter similar problems.

>Maybe a fully editable PyShell window should be an option for advanced

Since it is already implemented and is "widely accepted <0.5 wink>":

Would it be much work to change the metaphor from "Editor" to "Shell"?
I'd like to contribute, if possible.

