[PyHealthcare] Introductions

Federico Caboni msx at crs4.it
Thu Mar 24 10:42:44 CET 2011

My name is Federico Caboni and I have been programming Python for the last 10 years or so. 
A year ago I started working with the Healthcare Flows group at CRS4, a research center in Sardinia,
Italy (http://www.crs4.it/healthcare-flows).

Our group is mainly focused on clinical systems integration, traceability, semantic management of 
biomedical data and distributed medicine; we're involved both in  research and collaboration with 
hospitals and healthcare companies.

During the year, as I started collaborating with the group, we increased the use of Python, 
utilizing it in an industrial project at all levels, from the implementation of an abstraction 
driver for custom laboratory automation machinery to web-based lab applications  and IHE-compliant
message dispatching.

I intend to submit a talk proposal for the upcoming Europython 2011 (http://ep2011.europython.eu/), 
about this interesting use case: I think it'd be nice to briefly describe the state of the art of 
Python in HIT as well, and I'd really be interested in hearing your suggestions about that. 
Also, is someone from the list attending the conference?

-- Federico 

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