[PyHealthcare] Hello @ PyCon

Brad Allen ballen at zeomega.com
Sun Mar 13 18:40:35 CET 2011

Thanks, Ron. I'd like to start a general Introductions thread which can be
used ongoingly (not PyCon-specific in other words); that way, people looking
at the archives can more easily find the introductions, and will know where
to go to introduce themselves.

Would you be willing to re-post your intro in the upcoming Introductions

Let's use this thread to followup on our PyCon discussion. Here are some of
the things we talked about, and each may require a separate discussion

* The need for well-maintained libraries for HL7 and CCD
* The mailing list for general open source IT  (not Python-specific)
* A new open source medical expert system (I'm still looking for the URL)

What did I forget?

We also did a round of introductions in the PyCon session...hopefully those
can be recapped in the upcoming Introductions thread.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Ron DuPlain <ron.duplain at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Introducing myself.  I met others in Health IT at an open space
> session at PyCon.  "Health IT" is a big umbrella, so I'd like to hear
> more from each of you on your interests and work.  I imagine we'll
> have a lot of common ground in interop (HL7 came up during the open
> space session), but I'm personally open to most any topic.
> I'm working on a team which makes practice management for midwives.
> You can get to know our product here:
> http://getprivatepractice.com/
> Good to meet you,
> Ron
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