[PyHealthcare] ANN: python-hl7 0.2.0

Karsten Hilbert Karsten.Hilbert at gmx.net
Wed Jul 13 15:57:30 CEST 2011

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 09:45:52AM -0400, Ron DuPlain wrote:

> > Since Luke did not invest in "properly" cloning John's git
> > tree but decided to create his own as if this was entirely
> > new code (no doubt for good reasons) it is basically upon
> > Luke to tell and bring his code to John's tree.
> >
> > With Luke not seeming all too interested in this and the
> > asking (on the python-healthcare list) for things needing
> > doing I suggested someone might look at this.
> >
> > Surely, a git expert might be helpful in that.
> Here's a properly based merge:
> https://github.com/rduplain/python-hl7

Brilliant, thanks ;-)

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