[GSoC-general] Contribute to Python.org

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Tue Jun 13 00:55:34 EDT 2017

On 2017-06-11 7:23 AM, harsh khatore wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a computer science undergraduate final year student from India. I
> am new to open source community. I have a background in languages
> including Python, C++, C and Java. I am aiming for GSoC 2018, and I want
> to contribute to your organisation. Can you help me in understanding how
> to contribute and pointing out some beginner issues I can contribute to?
> It will be great as I am really looking forward to this opportunity.


This is probably *the* worst time to try to get started, because our 
mentors are busy with the first few weeks of the students from 2017, and 
most of the easy issues are pretty picked over from this year's 
applicants.  So do keep that in mind before getting discouraged!

If you haven't already seen it, we've got some generic advice here that 
includes how to find beginner issues on your own:


Python is a umbrella org, so there's a *lot* of different bug trackers 
for you to try.  Do some searches for bugs marked "easy" and "beginner" 
but if that doesn't pan out (and it's less likely to right now) you 
might want to focus on reproducing other people's bugs, writing new 
tests, or trying to bridge any gaps in documentation.

Since you're a bit less likely to be able to find someone who can help 
walk you through right this week, think of this as a great opportunity 
to showcase your ability to work independently and do your own research, 
both of which will make you an attractive candidate when you apply next 


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