[GSoC-general] GSoC contribution

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Sat Feb 18 23:13:21 EST 2017

On 2017-02-18 8:14 PM, Saksham Bassi wrote:
> Hello, I want to start contributing towards Core Python development and
> GSoC can be stepping stone towards it. I am new to open source
> community. I went through GSoC site. I really liked previous year
> projects and would love to be a part of GSoC this year. I would like to
> familiarise myself with the code.
> How can I start?

We currently don't have any mentors signed up for Core Python, so you 
might want to start with another sub-org if you want to be sure of 
having a chance.

The getting started instructions are here:

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