[GSoC-general] Getting involved (Beginner)

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Fri Nov 11 23:59:57 EST 2016

On 2016-11-06 11:40 PM, piyush goel wrote:
> Dear developer,
> I am Piyush an Electrical and Electronics Engineering student from DTU,
> India.
> I'm new to open source and the Python foundation as well, but I want to
> get involved. I tried contacting the org through irc but wasn't able to
> talk to anyone, so I'm writing this mail.

Sorry you missed us on IRC!  It's off-season for gsoc right now, so many 
mentors are enjoying the time off (and some are preparing for gci!) so 
responses will be slow.

> I have knowledge of java, Python and c.
> I found the sci kit learn project interesting.
> I have no prior knowledge of machine learning but I am genuinely
> interested in machine learning and would love to learn about it by
> getting involved in the project.
> So can you please give me a small task in this project or even any other
> project, to help me get started.

I hope you already found it, but the scikit learn mailing list is here, 
and they're the folk to ask for more information about scikit-learn 
tasks and ideas!


Do remember that you're months early for gsoc and most orgs won't be 
talking seriously about project ideas until January, but you can get 
involved as a volunteer anytime, so hopefully you can find a good way to 
get started even now.

I've also cc'ed Manoj, the sub-org admin for scikit-learn in 2016, in 
case you haven't already gotten in touch with him.


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