[GSoC-general] Query regarding code sample

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Thu Mar 24 14:58:34 EDT 2016

On 2016-03-24 9:54 AM, Himanshu Arora wrote:
> 1.) Code of one of my Course Project hosted on Github .
> 2.) I have written a basic implementation of algorithms i have proposed
> and added it to forked repository (BitBucket) . Now i cannot send it as
> pull request as its not final code and just a implementation of
> algorithms i have proposed.

I don't know if IMS requires a pull request, but as long as the code is 
available publicly and relevant to the project, that's all that Python 
as the umbrella org requires.  So these sound good to me, just check 
with your prospective mentors at IMS in case they want anything else.


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