[group-organizers] Yesterday may have been my mother's last birthday

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Wed Dec 20 21:48:45 EST 2017

Sure, take the parts that seem useful.  Share yours, maybe I'll find new 
things to use! :)


On 12/20/17 6:18 PM, Don Sheu wrote:
> That's a good list. May I steal aspects of it with attribution?
> I am very transparent about myself and personal stuff. I really hope 
> that PuPPy can be like your group Boston Python or Brian's group 
> ChiPy, where association in the group can inspire folks to contribute 
> meaningfully to the global Python community and build the tools that 
> will bring about a future we all want to live in.
> The personal stuff sharing ship sailed long ago. By being frank, 
> clear, and open I hope that I can help our members find their 
> motivation. Mortality is a motivator. Many of our members are young 
> and running out of time is a fantasy.
> There's a reality to the finite availability of time though.
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Ned Batchelder <ned at nedbatchelder.com 
> <mailto:ned at nedbatchelder.com>> wrote:
>     Don, I'm sorry to hear about your mother's struggle.  You didn't
>     ask for advice on this, but: I don't know how close-knit PuPPy is,
>     or how personal you have been with them over email in the past.  I
>     wouldn't be that detailed about my personal life in an email to
>     Boston Python members.  Maybe I misunderstood what you were going
>     to write.
>     About getting volunteers: it is difficult.  I sometimes send out a
>     call for help, but it doesn't usually yield results. Sometimes I
>     just pick someone and propose that they do something. Sometimes it
>     works, sometimes it doesn't.
>     I've tried to be clear an explicit about what there is to do:
>     https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-5UNh5NB1UuVMiLXBqkfyVcgqltksSf_HDchZXp4iCk
>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-5UNh5NB1UuVMiLXBqkfyVcgqltksSf_HDchZXp4iCk>
>     Let me know if you come up with anything else...
>     --Ned.
>     On 12/20/17 1:48 PM, Don Sheu wrote:
>         Working on a holiday-ish message for my PuPPy members. I do
>         want to frame
>         my mother's stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis with something
>         positive about
>         activating members as volunteers and organizers of our group.
>         Tough trying to bridge the fact that yesterday was likely my
>         mother's last
>         birthday with a message that Rome rose from the ashes of Troy.
>         Before PuPPy, in Seattle there was SeaPIG. A few years back, I
>         remember
>         BayPiggies almost stopped functioning as a community user
>         group. I'm always
>         anxious about making sure my group continues after I'm no
>         longer active or
>         I'm not able to contribute any longer.
>         Wonder if anybody has tactics and strategies to share about
>         activating
>         members to volunteers and organizers.
>     _______________________________________________
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> -- 
> Don Sheu
> 312.880.9389
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays
> http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/232708762/
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