[group-organizers] Office hours/project night etherpad?

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Mon Aug 3 16:46:58 CEST 2015

Hi all,

Carl and I have been kicking this idea around.  I've read about Software
Carpentry events where they project an etherpad during an event that
attendees can type on.

Up until now I've posted bitly links to an irc web interface (kiwi irc is
nice) so that we can share links and things. But I am starting to really
like the idea of having an etherpad projected up.

At a project night, after about 15 to 20 minutes (people trickle in), one
of us kicks things off by having people introduce themselves and say what
they are interested in. I like this because people can find others who are
interested in the same thing and gently self-organize in to interest groups.

Carl's suggestion is that we project up an etherpad, and people can sign in
to it (or we have a driver) to type a line about their interest -- finance,
web dev, help with kaggle, etc.

And maybe at the top we could have a link to a pastebin or other useful

After the event maybe I could post a summary of people's interests back to
the meetup thread so that potential attendees can see what people are
working on because maybe they'll want to show up to gather in to a group of
like-minded people.

I really like this idea.

shekay at pobox.com
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