[group-organizers] pyvideo.org and groups

Simon Cross hodgestar at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 10:11:25 CEST 2015

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 2:41 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am sometimes torn on the concept. Does video recording hurt or help
> in-person attendance? Does it scare anyone from talking?

I think recording talks by default and having a well-publicised and
easy way of opting out is a good compromise for many conference.

There are many advantages for all of speakers, attendees and those who
can't attend:

* Speakers get to see themselves speak and improve.
* Speakers get a video they can include in submissions to larger conferences.
* Attendees get a video they can refer back to if they'd like to watch
a talk again.
* Attendees can watch talks they missed because they were attending a
different track.
* Non-attendees can watch talks.
* Organizers can watch talks (they almost never have time during the
conference itself).
* There is a public record of the talk in case there are things like
reports of code of conduct violations, copyright infringement or
disclosure of private information or business secrets.

Attending a conference and watching a talk video are very different
experiences. I've never had anyone indicate to me that they'd consider
not attending in person because videos are available, but I'd be
interested to hear thoughts from people who have.


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