[group-organizers] Python pub quiz

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Feb 6 10:06:10 CET 2014

On 04.02.2014 07:57, Christopher Arndt wrote:
> Hi all,
> at our next user group meeting (http://pycologne.de) I'd like to
> organize a Python-themed pub quiz.
> Has anybody ever done this? I'm currently collecting ideas for quiz
> questions and tasks for the teams. If you have any good suggestions, I
> would be very grateful to hear them!
> I'm planning to have three rounds of about 8-10 questions each, for example:
> * Normal text questions (short answer or multiple choice)
>   * History of python
>   * Knowledge about language features (e.g. "How many immutable types
> are there in the language core? Name them all.")
>   * Different Python implementations
> * Multimedia supported questions (images, videos, audio):
>   * recognize people, software logos
>   * attribute quotes
>   * ...?
> * Code and algorithms:
>   * Find the bug in the code
>   * Name the standard library module that contains the shown code fragment
>   * Predict the output of the shown code (without running it)
>   * Find Python 2/3 incompatibilities
> If you have any pointers where I can find collections of trivia
> information about Python, historical info, sources of audio and video
> material, etc. please let me know!

Philipp Hagemeister gave a nice lightning talk about some Python 2
quirks in our Python Meeting Düsseldorf (PyDDF) user group which
you may be able to use:


(the talk is in German)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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