[group-organizers] Mailing Lists: python.org, Google groups, or self-host?

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Fri May 1 10:31:32 CEST 2009

Ron DuPlain wrote:
> We had our first Charlottesville Python User Group earlier this month.

Glad to hear it!

> I would like to hear if anyone has input on hosting mailing lists,
> specifically if they find a particular advantage to hosting
> @python.org, using Google groups, or self-hosting a mailing list (e.g.
> mailman installation).  I don't notice any common trends, poking
> around the LocalUserGroups page.

The Dallas group uses my own server to host our lists, just due to my not
knowing about hosting it on python.org.  Nowadays I would host it there to
provide long-term continuity and archives.  The Google groups interface just
seems awkward, to me and I know many others as well.  Just my .02.

> Also, to get a new @python.org list, is mailing postmaster at
> python.org still the way to go?
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/private/group-organizers/2007-December/000045.html
> I sent an email over a week ago, and haven't received a response.

Yes, that is the correct way.  The mailing admin team has a backlog of such
requests because (a) they are moving the mail server to a brand new box and
(b) a key member of the team is resolving some health issues.  Please give
them time to work it out.  Because of this delay, they are also looking at
setting up an issue tracker, so that the submitter and the team can see the
status of work requests and insure none fall through the crack.


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