[Grants-discuss] Getting the ball rolling...

Greg Wilson gvwilson at cs.toronto.edu
Sun Aug 29 17:37:49 CEST 2004

Hi Neal; thanks for your mail.

> > GVW:
> > 2. Is it OK to circulate drafts of proposals here to get feedback from
> >    other potential proposers?

> NN:
> I think this is ok.  The PSF's goal is to improve Python.  We *want* to
> pay out grant money to improve Python.  But only if we perceive a
> benefit to the community.
> IMO anything you can do to improve the quality of your proposal and
> strengthen your likelihood of success is a win-win.

Thanks very much.  If anyone's interested, the current proposal is at:


I've already sent it in (before I knew this list existed ;-), but if
anyone can suggest ways to improve it, I'd be very grateful.


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