[Python Glasgow] Fwd: [python-uk] Quick! EuroPython CfP is open (for only two weeks)

Dougal Matthews dougal at dougalmatthews.com
Mon May 7 10:13:45 EDT 2018

From: python-uk <python-uk-bounces+dougal=dougalmatthews.com at python.org> on behalf of Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org>
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 2:35:43 PM
To: UK Python Users
Subject: [python-uk] Quick! EuroPython CfP is open (for only two weeks)

Hi Folks,


The wonderfully cosmopolitan and friendly EuroPython is happening in
Edinburgh *the week before the Edinburgh Festival starts*. Because of
various reasons things have been slow off the mark this year which means
the CfP (which just opened -- see linked blog post) is only open for two

Get your proposals in fast! Then the unique-to-EuroPython community
voting process so the conference welcomes a diverse range of speakers
presenting on subjects currently of interest to the Python community.

Many moons ago, EuroPython is where I did my very first ever conference
talk (about the London Python Code Dojo) and you won't find a more
welcoming, diverse or friendly crowd to present to.

If you're not sure and / or seeking advice, please don't hesitate to get
in touch with me and I'll try to help as best I can. The upshot is, just
dive in, you'll be supported and won't regret it.

Best wishes,


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